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  1. Hi there, I have had Tourette's since i was 7 years old, now I a 34. Topamax is the first medication that has given me any real relief without any terrible side effects. I still do whatever I can with food, herbs, etc. to lessen the battle but am grateful for the respite. I was very slow to get on the medicine to make sure that any side effects,mostly digestive, were under control but it has by far been the best coverage with the least amount of side effects. Good luck and feel free to respond with any questions.........Bree
  2. Here's the link: http://www.tourettestreatment.com/list-of-treatments.php Tenex and Topamax are two of the drugs with the least offensive side effect profiles. The other two are Clonidine and Marinol. Pretty much everything other than those 4 has side effects ranging from Tardive Dyskinesia to instant death. And many of the medications had no effect, which I tried to include as well for the sake of completeness. But if you suspect PANDAS then I'd look into that first.
  3. thanks so much for the quick reply. i did find one name on the AAEM website for a physician in boise but still need to call and ask questions about specifics before i make an appointment. i would prefer that my daughter and i could both see the same person if possible and hopefully start with the food sensitivity area.? it's hard to know where is the best starting point.
  4. one of the first triggers i was sure about with my daughter was being in the theater as well. she doesn't have nearly the same response when she watches movies at home. cheri, i have noticed that your replies are always extremely thorough. In other topics you have said your son resonds well to acupuncture. i am wondering if you know the specific points which are needled. i have a private practice in TCM myself and have worked on my daughter occasionally only with acupressure and not noticed a tremendous difference. i'm wondering if it is the channels worked or the needles making the difference.
  5. i am new to posting here but have been reading the forums often for a couple of years. i have had tics myself since i was a child but was not diagnosed with TS until the age of 29. i like my neurologist but feel that every subsequent year the tics have multiplied or worsened and have been on clonidine the entire time. anyhow now my 5 year old daughter is having tics, pretty much constant for about 5 months, mostly burping but also other mild throat sounds. is anyone aware of an environmental physician in either the boise idaho or possibly salt lake city utah areas? i live in a very remote area so either one would be a drive but worth it if someone were helpful. thank you so much for any input.
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