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  1. Hey Guy, I am an alternative medicine student. I was actually doing a Google search to see what I could find about toxicity in reference to TB skin tests, as I will need to get one soon as a health care practitioner and I wanted to comment when I read your plea for help =) I read the details regarding your medical condition and I just want to encourage you to seek out alternative medical advice. It already sounds like you are against taking corticosteroids (YAY!). Also, anti-biotics are complete ###### on ALL of the bacteria and flora of your intestines... whether beneficial or pathological and taking a little yogurt may or may not be able to counteract that. Have you tried taking a high quality pro-biotic? Just know that one option you can try is Chinese medicine (more commonly known as acupuncture, but it entails so much more). It seems you haven't been officially diagnosed by your physician but an acupuncturist should be able to help you any way. Diagnosis is made by SYMPTOMS rather then a one-size fits all DISEASE... everyone presents a disease a little bit differently. Also, Chinese medicine has some amazing herbs which have been known to completely stop the symptoms of Crohn's in a matter of months... whereas Western medicine can take years or never stop the symptoms at all. This I know via the fact that I have been studying Chinese herbs for several years now. Just wanted to let you know that there is hope out there and other options available. Western medicine has its limitations! Best of luck to you!
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