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  1. Yes i dont take dairy anyway, as it irritates my intestines, i also cut potatoe, i know strange but it has the same effect. I am looking at wheat now. Did your son have a allergy test? Im really curious about food allgeries right now and that maybe there is a link with anxiety, i know it can be helpped with CBT and counselling, but i think that the anxiety can maybe, be caused by an allergy its just an idea, its hard to allways tell but i remeber having some cows milk recently after a long time of being on soy and i felt really aggitated, like inside it felt like my body was iching and i went in to such a bad mood. I know i always had excessive gas and often feel really sluggish even though am physically fit and try to get ample sleep. When i was younger i would get run down all the time, getting colds and once shingles, i even had foot and mouth once if i remeber correctly, funny eh! Any way if any one has any ideas?
  2. Dose any one have the problem of waking up at every sleep cycle? I have mild to moderate anxiety/ocd and i have done some CBT, i have also tried inositol which believe it or not made my sleeping worse. I cut down the dose to 35mg which seems to work nice in the day but still even with out the anxiety in the day i sleep really bad, i have tried the regular things that people suggest, but i still cant seem to sleep through the night consistently. I know that exercise makes it worse and like i said i tried inositol, but even though i got a nice soothing feeling,but in the night i would wake up so anxious almost having panic attacks, having said that i dont really suffer with them. I cut the dose back as i have mentioned on another post to just 35mg and i seem to get a gentle sothing feeling, but still i will wake up around 2:00 am. I keep a reasonable sleep pattern and i live healthy work 5 dys a week, eat healthy in general theres nothing i can think of. I just wonder if its my brain waves or something, i keep my ocd in resonable control and even when im doing good i still dont sleep well. I wonder if it could be a food allergy i have read that they can cause sleep disturbances and also anxiety/ocd/adhd. I do have some excess gass and have already cut ot potatoes and dairy, this actually runs in my family and my grandfather eventually died od bowel canacer when just 34 possibly as a result of continued irritation of the colon. OK i rammbeld a littel, just excited to be able to maybe get some feed back. Just to finish if anyone comes across this looking for information on inositol i would recomened they dont try the 18 grams mentioned on nearly every web site, as i think its a crazy amount and have had good experiance with way less 35mg.
  3. Inositol just 35 mg I just wanted to say that i have tried inositol a few times firstly i wouldnt advise anybody to try the 18 grams that is on most web sites, i think that is a crazy amount. For me even 250 mg got me aggitated. I worked it down and am still experiementing a little, but right now 35 mg seems to offer me a gentle soothing feeling. As i said i tried it once before but stopped because i felt aggitated, it wasnt untill some body gave me some vitamins with inositol in that i decided to try it again. This time at a low dose it seems to have a good effect. I have also been looking at food allergies lately, any information on regular types of food that can cause anxiety, would be greatly appriciated. CBT is great from my experience, i really enjoyed the book CBT for dummies and reccomended it to my mother and brother who also suffer from ocd/anxiety, they found it useful to. I just wonder if there is an underlying problem to anxiety/ocd for some people and that its not all just learnt.
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