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Everything posted by vickistg

  1. I just spoke with my mother, a certified herbologist, and she has given me some things to try that are natural. She has a friend with Tourette's who has had good results from them. One of the treatments is aromatherapy with lavender oil. there are a couple of herbal tinctures as well. After I get them, I'll keep you posted on the results. I really hate to put such a young child on the pharmaceuticals that are used for this. If anyone else has had any luck with natural remedies, please chime in! Also, has anyone noticed a hormonal connection. My son is at the age where he is starting to increase testosterone levels. My husband said his worsened at about the same time and I think my little brother had a similar trend with his. Any thoughts?
  2. Hi! I'm new to all this. My 8 y.o son has not yet been diagnosed, but his verbal tics have worsened considerably in the last few weeks and we are planning to take him to the Dr. this week. He is homeschooled so that's not a problem, but he is starting to be teased at church activities and I can't have him sit in service as the tics have gotten quite loud. I know that molds are a problem in our home and we are looking for a new house. I've also noted that the tics worsen in our car. Not anyone elses, just ours. He can go hours in someone else's car with little or no problems. The car is fairly new and doesn't have any mold that I can detect. I am very allergic to molds, so I usually know when they're present in any real quantities. Any ideas for herbal treatments or detox regimens? He's the youngest and it's starting to cause problems with his brothers. They try to understand, but it makes life challenging when you can't have a conversation over the tics. Help!!!!
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