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Everything posted by mmrm

  1. Hi Colleen, It is from a German specialised professor and I think it is also German antibiotics called Pädiathrocin. Richard
  2. Hello. And now what? The 3 weeks antibiotics werd done, the doctor says it could take some more time before results from streps and pneumoniae could be seen. Regarding tics there are improvements, although head shaking is still bad. Another therapist keeps on warning me about borreliose. He has been tested negative but through Elisa so we cannot be sure. We go on with supplements. Any other advice is very welcome. Richard
  3. My son tested positive for Pandas and Pitands end of March. We first gave him a homeopathic remedy for Strep and he really improved with tics. Although, I do not think it helped 100 %, he is now on antibiotics. Richard
  4. Hi, Recently I read an article that NAET therapy could be helpful regarding streps and antibodies. Does anyone else have experiences? Richard
  5. Hi, thanks, also for the info. I will read much more about PANDAS and PITANDS the next few days. We just started antibiotics a week ago. And I will carefully go through all the details about vitamins and minerals, a big puzzle. We really wonder if our son has a right uptake for the ones he already gets. All the best to you and your son. Richard
  6. Hi Kim, Thanks for the information. Apart from the streps he has been tested positive for chlamydophila pneunomiae instead of mycoplasma. But then again. The main question is what the biggest trigger is now. These PANDAS or lack of specific vitamines? He gets a lot like the B's and zinc and magnesium and so on, but I will check again. And of course many other reasons could be there. Combined with the antibiotics he also has probiotics and prebiotics. Thanks again and please let me know about your children. Richard
  7. Hello, I have been reading these forums for quite a long time and it is very helpful. This is my first post. My son has had tics for two years now. We have done neurofeedback, homeopathy and osteopathy and regarding food and his diet, he is allergic to or intolerant for eggs, dairy, soy, peanuts and gluten. He gets supplements, also for his intestines which appeared to be very bad (leaky gut). I also read about PANDAS and I recognized many signs, i.e. night-bedwetting, separation anxiety, handwriting problems and so on. A couple of weeks ago he tested positive to streptococci and a certain pneumoniae. It looks like the antibodies work the way it has been described. We just started antibiotics, prescribed by an experienced doctor. Well I have many questions, but as a start I would like to ask you about the supplements, it looks like Bonnie Grimaldi has the right ones. And how are your experiences with antibiotics? Best wishes, Richard
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