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  1. THANKS!! I'll take this info w/ me to our pediatrician appt today.
  2. Has anyone else experienced this trigger? My daughter is 6 and since she was about 3 years old she has had different tics come and go. Most last for about 6-8 weeks. The last major episode was year ago, followed by this current major episode. The trigger that is common with these 2 episodes is the act of eating. She begins her tics even before she eats, so I can rule out food allergies (or can I) and then she continues her tics (current one is a cough/sniff) until she is done and walks away from the table. Even eating a cracker while playing will cause her to tic, when playing alone (ie kicking a soccer ball around) will not set her off. Her other major trigger is watching TV. Whether she watches on our LCD tv's/computer screen/car DVD player, and no matter the show (cartoons to CNN), she coughs/sniffs very regularly. I'm interested if anyone else has seen "Eating" as a trigger. We have been to a traditional allergist (MD) and she tested negative for the first round of common allergens, and therefore the testing was stopped there. Would anyone advise to seek out another type of allergy testing that is more specific to possible triggers that traditional testing misses? Thanks!
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