I was wondering if anyone can offer direction for further research or thoughts. DS8 was diagnosed with Asp 2 years ago. Aggression was a main component of our concerns. 7 months ago headaches (and only headaches) led to an unexpected strep diagnosis. As treatment wrapped up, we suddenly had a child we had rarely had glimpses of! He was so much calmer, less aggressive, kind and with fewer sensory issues. 3 more times over the next 7 months his behavior deteriorated, only to be diagnosed immediately with strep. As we learned to deal with this, I could predict when he had strep well before any traditional physical symptoms showed up. 2 pediatricians mentioned PANDAS. A strep specialist said it is possible but irrelevant bc there is nothing to be done about it.
Sorry for the long history. The issue is that 10 days ago ds had a croup-like virus. He has asthma and breathing was poor so he was given prednisone for 3 days. I only allowed it because I had read a short burst of steroids could help with PANDAS, so I figured it couldn't make it any worse. It had been 5 years since he'd needed pred, but true to his history, day 1 resulted in violent mood swings. Now we seem to be right back were we started before we figured this out 7 months ago. He's angry, mean, impulsive and sensory issues have returned. We're 7 days past pred and it should be out of his system by now. I had him tested for strep and it was negative.
Any possibility that Pred actually aggravated the issue rather than helping? Any ideas what to do?
Thanks - Natterbus