Hi Faith,
No thats fine i am Female, no i haven't even heard of a Gardisil vaccination, the last one i had was my tetanus and polio which i think was in year 1o so i think i would of been 16.
And now that you mention about the thinking back and the examples you gave i do remember doing a mouth stretch thing where i would like open my mouth really wide so i could feel my lips stretch i didn't do it all the time just every now and then i stilkl do it now but it happens very rarley, and about thje sniffing finger's (this is probably gonna soundf really weird) i only sniff my finger's if i have scratched (because of an itch) a certain body part e.g. armpit, the inside of my ears etc. if i for example scratch my head, leg arm, back etc i don't feel the need to sniff my finger's. lol
Thanks for the reply.