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  1. Well if you read my other post (http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4081) you'll know my story lol Obiviously im a bit scared for Wednesday, so can anyone tell me what to expect, and what kind of tests they do to see if i have Tourette's, if that makes sense lol. Thank You.
  2. Chemar oh i understand now yeah ok i'll have to try speak to them about that thanks and oh it is ok so i do basically have OCD ok fair enough Thanks
  3. Hi Faith, No thats fine i am Female, no i haven't even heard of a Gardisil vaccination, the last one i had was my tetanus and polio which i think was in year 1o so i think i would of been 16. And now that you mention about the thinking back and the examples you gave i do remember doing a mouth stretch thing where i would like open my mouth really wide so i could feel my lips stretch i didn't do it all the time just every now and then i stilkl do it now but it happens very rarley, and about thje sniffing finger's (this is probably gonna soundf really weird) i only sniff my finger's if i have scratched (because of an itch) a certain body part e.g. armpit, the inside of my ears etc. if i for example scratch my head, leg arm, back etc i don't feel the need to sniff my finger's. lol Thanks for the reply.
  4. Hey Chemar Thnak you for your reply, No i don't believe i have OCD, i have done a lot of research about OCD and no i don't think i have it, my mum says she has it, she hasn't been diagnosed or anything she just jokes about it because when she comes home with the shopping, when she put everything in the cupboards if it's cans like the cat food cans we have she has to make sure that all the labels are facing forward and are all inlined and when my sister moved 1 of the cans it really annoyed her so she had to put that can exacly right again, but as for me having it i don't think i do. but i do have Trichotillomania which started when i was 8-9 i don't know if you have to be diagnosed with that cuz i haven't but i know i've got it. And sorry im a bit thick today lol what do you mean by having 1 of my parents read up on some TS and tics? do you have one of them research or something, im a bit slow today sorry. And thank you for the links im looking at the second 1 now its really good. Thanks again. P.S. I will definately keep posting here.
  5. A few years ago (I think when I was 13/14 I am now 17) I started twitching and doing like a head jerk type thing, then (along with the twitching) I started making grunting noises and clearing my throat, now (still twitching) I do like a huffing kinda sound sometimes its really quiet but other times it’s really loud, and occasionally I click my tongue. My parents tell me to stop it and that I need to get out of the ‘habit’ and look at me in a weird way when they see or hear me doing it, so of course I try and stop doing but when I try and stop I get this like weird horrible feeling/sensation and the only way to get rid of that feeling is to let it out which of course it comes out worse because I have held it in sometimes I don’t realise im doing it, it seems to be worse when im stressed or even when im in public, when im on my own it’s not as bad, when I am really relaxed it hardly happens. Last year it did seem to disappear for about 3 months then came back. No one else in my family has it or has had it as far as im aware. Thanks in advance.
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