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  1. Hi westleigh My daughter(aspergers) has the same oral stim seeking(mostly chewing hair at the moment) and is also hyper verbal very much like your son - I am interested in finding out what exactly the program is that you mentioned - for the removal of heavy metals? Can you plse let me know? Will keep checking your question as I am also still seeking advice on this one thanks adele
  2. Hi My daughter (who will be 6 in July) is diagnosed with autism. We did the Melissa test and she came up toxic for thimerosal and very high for most of the other heavy metals. WE did one EDTA drip and the urine test showed up only lead. We were then recommended to do a course of DMSA. She has showed remarkable progress and is going to pre-school alone - however there is still a long way to go. I have only recently read about the ndf - we are interested in going that route - however we are not able to find a dr that has any knowledge of the product - we are in South Africa - if anybody can give us assistance in this regard we would appreciate it - I am also interested in supplements as she is not taking any at the moment. She is also on the gluten and casein free diet - and we are not sure if we should continue as they found no opiods in the urine test we did in Norway. many thanks
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