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  1. I think my mom might have it. She definitely has OCD/anxiety and has had all her life, but it's never been recognized like it is now and she never got any help for it. There's also depression/anxiety/OCD on both my parents' sides of the family (and in me) and also possibly some on my husband's side of the family. But no definite diagnosis of TS, no. Anyone out there know if we can give them anything for seasonal allergies? or do the antihistamines make the tics worse? Thanks.
  2. Thank you, again, Chemar. I read the head injury thing and it's very interesting. There was once a health fair at Sam's school and a chiropractor there looked at him and said he definitely felt that Sam had that "sub" whatever problem going on - some type of space there at the base of the head. That's not where his injury occurred - it was actually right between his eyes on the nose - but the chiro said that it was probably due to his birth (he does have a pretty large head and took awhile to "come out"). I guess I'm looking for reasons when I should really be searching for solutions. Thanks again. You're a dear.
  3. okay, i'm new to this so i have no idea what i'm doing, and my brain is about to explode from all the information (but in a good way). man, where do you even start with this condition??? it's so bizarre and complicated! my son is 7 and his tics have never been worse. he's taking bonnie's vitamins and he's on zoloft for his OCD (been diag. with ADHD too - seems to be common with TS kids). i'm reading everywhere that the zoloft can cause the tics to worsen so i'm weaning him from those and have substituted the fish oil pills in bonnie's vitamins for the borax/flaxseed/primrose oils (as per Chemar - thanks!) to see if that will help at all. also made an app't w/allergist to check for food allergies (already know about the environmental ones he has) and am looking for a good pediatric neurologist in new york city to bring him to, although, they'll probably just describe meds for him and i'm not sure if that's the answer now that i'm reading all this... like i said, totally confused. btw, anyone give their kids allergy medication? or do those also tend to worsen the tics? i should also probably bring him to a nutritionist/chiropractor (?) but how do i know what type... most nutritionists where i live just deal with women who want to lose weight! you would think living in new york i'd have the best of everything, right? any recommendations?? lastly, and this might sound kooky, but anyone out there ever think that this "genetic" condition might have been aggravated by a head injury? my guy had a pretty major bump between the eyes as a baby and i never felt quite "right" about it, even though it healed quickly and all... just curious... thanks so much. may you all, every single one of you, be blessed for the time you spend searching for a way to make your babies, or youselves, better. in doing so, you help so many others. God willing someday there will be a cure for this...
  4. Is it possible to have the PANDAS test come back incorrect? I was so sure my son's tics and OCD were a result of it since he'd had so many strep infections as a child but the Doc says "no."
  5. you're actually kind of lucky in a strange way. i was almost hoping it was PANDAS with my kid - at least it's a diagnosis that can be treated, i think. any health food store will sell a good acidophilus tablet for kids. they don't taste too bad, according to my son. make sure you purchase them from the fridge and keep them in the fridge.... best wishes..
  6. okay, i'm new to this so i have no idea what i'm doing, and my brain is about to explode from all the information (but in a good way). man, where do you even start with this condition??? it's so bizarre and complicated! my son is 7 and his tics have never been worse. he's taking bonnie's vitamins and he's on zoloft for his OCD (been diag. with ADHD too - seems to be common with TS kids). i'm reading everywhere that the zoloft can cause the tics to worsen so i'm weaning him from those and have substituted the fish oil pills in bonnie's vitamins for the borax/flaxseed/primrose oils (as per Chemar - thanks!) to see if that will help at all. also made an app't w/allergist to check for food allergies (already know about the environmental ones he has) and am looking for a good pediatric neurologist in new york city to bring him to, although, they'll probably just describe meds for him and i'm not sure if that's the answer now that i'm reading all this... like i said, totally confused. btw, anyone give their kids allergy medication? or do those also tend to worsen the tics? i should also probably bring him to a nutritionist/chiropractor (?) but how do i know what type... most nutritionists where i live just deal with women who want to lose weight! you would think living in new york i'd have the best of everything, right? any recommendations?? lastly, and this might sound kooky, but anyone out there ever think that this "genetic" condition might have been aggravated by a head injury? my guy had a pretty major bump between the eyes as a baby and i never felt quite "right" about it, even though it healed quickly and all... just curious... thanks so much. may you all, every single one of you, be blessed for the time you spend searching for a way to make your babies, or youselves, better. in doing so, you help so many others. God willing someday there will be a cure for this...
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