Greetings .......There is ONLY One way which can Completely Destroy those thoughts it is Revealed in HOLY BIBLE. God so loved this world HE gave his only Son JESUS Christ to Die for our sins all who believe in him Shall not perish but have ETERNAL LIFE. So Jesus in Matthews Spoke abt Sexual Desires of man and He said it is sin. and we need to over come this sin. Many People Try to do but they fail instantly.
SOLUTION: ASK JESUS for Forgiveness for our sins which we've done, Because HE DIED for Our Sins on Cross. HE ROSE FROM DEATH. Thus, He will Forgive our sins. Then Invite Jesus Christ to Come into your Heart. When u Put faith in JESUS. Holy Spirit Starts working in you. Holy Spirit is Voice of Lord instructs you when u r Tempted to do sin by satan deceiver. ALL WE NEED TO DO IS PUT FAITH IN JESUS. That GOD raised This JESUS FROM DEATH On THIRD DAY. Because God Loves you. He take cares of your needs. He is successfully Saving Many who believed ON HIS SON. There is No Difference in any MAN. all belongs to this WORLD. SO HE GAVE HIS SON AS A SACRIFICE FOR ALL OUR SINS. Like Lust, EVil Thoughts, ADultery, Jealous,Envy.Ego, ALL Kinds of Sins will Be Forgiven BY JESUS SACRFICE. JUST PUT FAITH. in Some days all Evil thoughts will vanish Like a MAGIC. and WE will be like a NEW CREATION. WE will see this WORLD With a NEW SPIRIT.
ALL THE ABOVE Things have i Experinced and Shared with you. BE of Good cheer says JESUS. He have OVER COME This WORLD. SO we can. GOD BLESS YOU.