Honestly I never paid much attention to Parkinson's disease and it's causes. All of my energies up to this point have been spent on the relationship of Tetrabenazine to TS. If it's important to you I will gladly ask Dr Jankovic at our November appointment how this drug can help Parkinson's patients. My son's anxiety/depression is better than it's ever been. I know this is not because of the Tetrabenazine. I do believe though it's because of the reduction in his tics that his overall stress level is down. He used to cry every morning before school (during Waxing Phase) because he knew he would be in for a long day with the tics and the ridicule from classmates. He's now just happy go lucky and can't wait to get in the 4th grade. This has been a life changing event for us. I understand your concerns with side effects as I'm sure every parent is when dealing with a loved one. What are the long term side effects of St John's Wort, 5HTP, Magnesium and all of the other over the counter supplements we give our children on a daily basis? I see now why I haven't posted here in the past 2 years. I read Lynnie1264's post and thought it would be a good opportunity to share my story with her as she was asking about NEW research. Instead I've been on the defensive since my first post. All I was trying to do is share my experiences and hopefully help someone else who may have tried everything and is looking for another option. If anyone has any further questions please PM me