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Everything posted by dut

  1. aaahhh...it's got to be Lyme for me then.. fat is my only presenting symptom but I'm off to do the Igenex
  2. oops sorry we must have been typing at the same time!
  3. Hi - maybe he should be checked for a urinary tract infection. There was a recent thread on UTIs and cognitive issues in the older age group. My father (who had alzheimer's as well, though) always experienced decline with infection but especially utis.. maybe 'cos they go unrecognised. Hope all goes ok....
  4. Hi - Our dd had an amoxy rash 2 years ago, 10 days into an amox course for a PANDAS 1st recognised episode. She presented with pin prick spots and some full blown hives that all itched. We know it wasn't an allergy as she was prick, sub cutaneous and oral challenged tested and all was clear. She was given a 14 day course of Augmentin for another flare and last night, day 9, she started with hives that by this morning had gotten much worse and by noon was getting swelling of arms and her elbows and knees had got very hot and swollen too, sort of coalesced hives. I think we're dealing with an allergy this time but.. could a herx ever look like this? She also took 3 days full dose zith for the 1st days of her augmentin course. Real bummer is that her mood and fears seemed to be really responding to the Augmentin and with the exception of night time had virtually resolved in the 9 days. Thanks for any ideas...
  5. Apologies if this has been asked before thanks :-)
  6. yeh, that would be cool.. thanks chemar
  7. oops, sorry, I just read the previous post on the same topic
  8. Hi - having read a Polish study I am aware that mosquitoes can carry Lyme but can they transmit it too? I have 2 kids with a PANDAS dx (dd is very classic, ds not so). When ds3 was about 12 months old or so.. maybe younger, he got bitten by a mozzy. He then had 5 days of fever with a diffuse rash (little red bumps kind) with puffy eyes and irritability. At the time this got a dx of roseola, which makes sense. This was followed by a couple of weeks of diarrhea and then maybe a month or so of not quite diarrhea/not quite normal stools. We are thinking of doing the Igenex on both kids but blood draws on ds are hard. Not sure if we should follow this up aggressively or get round to it when we have to do a draw for something else. Any/all thoughts welcomed. Thanks....
  9. mama2alex - thanks so much for that. i've just rung my b-in-l and told him :-)
  10. Hi - not quite the same but during one of my dd's exacerbations, she said that things looked too far away, especially when she was going to bed at night. I couldn't work out if it was a physical eye thing or a procesing issue. It resolved when that exacerbation ended and hasn't returned with new exacerbations.
  11. thanks for posting that, fixit. I hadn't seen it before.. I'll do some more googling and let him know what you found..
  12. Hi- we've just been given a script for dd7 amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium for oral suspension 400mg/57mg per 5 ml and here's a dosing schedule pulled from the internet http://www.pdrhealth.com/drugs/rx/rx-mono.aspx?contentFileName=Aug1038.html&contentName=Augmentin&contentId our 81lb dd is on 7.5 ml twice a day
  13. Hi - I got mine wrong it's Thorne Research not Vital Nutrients.. I didn't know about not combining it with probiotics - thanks for the heads up.. do you know why you shouldn't mix them?
  14. Hi - one of my dd7's liver results was high, so our ped suggested Vital Nutrients SAT which is milk thistle (in a certain form that makes for better bioavailability. Our ped reckons it really works and that liver numbers will go down with it's use. My dd can't swallow capsules, so we open them up and hide the taste with probiotic powder.
  15. Hi - I suspect this has been discussed and posted before but in case it hasn't and for newbies Our dd7 is tanking again, after only just seeming to come out of a long episode, so our ped gives us Augmentin (amox and clav acid) and I go googling and find these Clavulanic acid protects neurons in pharmacological models of neurodegenerative diseases http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ddr.20378/abstract A patent app. to use calv acid for "the treatment of a patient suffering from or susceptible to a condition known to result in loss of neuronal cells or loss of neuronal cell function" http://www.faqs.org/patents/app/20100099656 and this http://pn.psychiatryonline.org/content/44/24/33.1.full •Favorable results from a phase 2a, randomized, placebo-controlled study in patients with major depressive disorder were shown for clavulanic acid, an investigational antidepressant being developed by Rexahn Pharmaceuticals. In an October 19 announcement, the company said that the patients assigned to the treatment had “clinically meaningful improvement” in depressive symptoms and that response to treatment was shown within two weeks of initiating treatment. Clavulanic acid is referred to as a dual serotonin and dopamine enhancer and is being explored for treating other disorders such as Parkinson's disease, anxiety disorder, and Alzheimer's disease.
  16. Hi - my PANDAS dd also flared when she lost a baby tooth. Her symptoms responded to increased abx within a few days. Now we also give her extra abx when she loses a tooth and she hasn't had a flare related to tooth loss since.
  17. hi - maybe check out ganglion cyst... often on wrist but I think can be on forearms too http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ganglion_cyst
  18. Hi - IMHO I think that PANDAS can present really mildly and/or without the obvious tell-tale signs of OCD or tics. I also believe that for some kids the difference comes down to the BBB. For some of those who present more severely or who take longer/need more aggressive treatment to get back to baseline their BBBs are more compromised. Our dd has in the past responded to steroids within 12 hours of the first dose, with all, admittedly mild at the time symptoms, disappearing. This can't be down to lower production of antibodies considering they have such a long half life but has to be down to diminished inflammation and better BBB integrity. I posted an opinion article recently that said that many children will develop self cross reactive antibodies and that it is in fact a fairly normal part of the immune system functioning and that the issues arise when the BBB isn't working to its fullest capacity. Not sure how much of that I buy into but certainly can see it's a possible and it makes sense that there might be many kids out there with the anitbodies but who never show signs, or just mild signs, but whose BBB never has enough of a breach to let them through or those whose BBB may have a lower integrity while ill but their BBBs bounce back quickly to full integrity.
  19. Hi - I'm not a parent of a child with fulltime time tics, although our dd has had some of these as part of her PANDAS dx, intermittently. I usually post on the PANDAS forum part of this site but lurk here sometimes too. When I read your post about your younger child starting too, I wondered if both of your children started to exhibit signs within the same time-frame and if so, if you had considered an infectious trigger and a possible PANDAS/PITANDS diagnosis. There's heaps of info on the PANDAS forum too if you want to explore an infectious trigger as a possible cause.. good luck in finding help for your children....
  20. Hi - I try and do at least 2 hours but am happier with 3 but, honestly, don't have anything to back it up...
  21. Hi - you can give the antifungal with bacterial probiotics but you should space it apart from the florastor. And, I believe, the florastor should be ok given with the abx if you need to...
  22. Hi - Recently, someone posted a really good article about probiotics. It said that s. thermophilus isn't pathogenic in the same way as strep throat as it doesn't possess M proteins on its surface. To me that seems as though it shouldn't be a problem but my science brain is fairly puny.. anyone got thoughts on the M protein thing? Dr T also posted a good article on probiotics on his yuku site that discusses how they work by stimulating the immune system, not just by suppression. Dr T wondered if this could be why some kids react badly to probiotics...
  23. nevergiveup - we do a liquid emulsified vit D. Our pharmacist says if you do this sort you don't have to have it with food, if you do a tablet you need to take it with food and also the emulsion sort is better absorbed. We do 2000 units of the cholecalciferol (sp) which is the D3 I believe. We take it most days...
  24. Immune genes 'key in Parkinson's disease' http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-10956490
  25. I'm so very sorry you had to go through this. Hopefully, next time you'll get better staff, who really want to help.
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