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  1. Thank you so much Cathy. We are trying essential oil right now. I apply on his neck and feet in the morning and after school! Keep in touch
  2. My son started with an eye twitch at about 2 years old. Went away on its own. He is no 5 and getting ready for kindegarten. Since about Feb/March of this year, he has started eye twitching again and neck rolling. (chin to neck and roll) It gets really bad when he eats or plays. We saw a neurologist who said it was due to stress/anxiety. He is very anxious and has some OCD traits. He was on Miralax for a long time and we have since cut that out, about 6-8 weeks ago. Havent really seen any improvement. He also lacks coping skills and has meltdowns when something doesnt go right. Reading book natural treatments for tics and tourettets. Anyone else been through this.... we just dont know what steps to take first. Thanks Katie
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