Good Morning;
I am mom to 8 yr old son who developed PANDAS after a strep infection in July of 2006. Colin responded great to antibiotics after I finally got Dr's to listen and test him. Since then we battled meds - prozac and adhd meds. It seems like his PANDAS is in full attack mode right now. Tics popping up all over the place, depressed, irrational fears, inability to write and focus. I was reading "Is this my child" and I was amazed at what I was reading especially the section on TICS.
I want to "adjust" my already picky eaters diet. I think I can figure out lunch and dinner but I am lost on breakfast.
I know there is no - Wheat, milk, dairy, eggs, preservatives, red & yellow colour, lunch meats, breads, baked goods, oatmeal, tofu and soybeans.
What does that leave for breakfast?
Can anyone give me some Meal ideas?
I am trying right now to remove him from Prozac, and we are trying to new add med that I think is working though would like to give it another week. I am also trying to have his titers checked because his pupils during the day are dilated.
His behavior is just out of sorts right now.
I also give him Flintstone vitamins but I am told there are better vitamins. Can someone tell me what they are and where I would get them.
Also any tips/tricks/ideas you have that would benefit him with behavior, tics I would really appreciate the help.
I feel lost right now.