My 7yr old daughter who has been for the most part a happy-go-lucky little girl suddenly started extremely acting out aggressively with both friends and family and started straining her neck to the side involving her shoulders and later her arms and making a very strained grimace. We took her in to family doctor who immediately call ped on call and got her in the next morning. They took a swab on her throat and blood work and came back positive for step. She was put on 10 day course of antibiotics and clonidine. The first few days she showed amazing improvement but slowly the tics stayed coming back then the day after the antibiotics ended the tics came back twice as bad plus now she has a forceful blinking. It is constant. Probably at least 20 motions a minute all day long. I took her back to doctor who did another swab and he said it was negative so we might have to consider that instead of pandas she might have tourette syndrome. I'm so confused about all of this. I have four children and have never had to manage these extreem behaviors, the emotional/social trauma my child faces every day. I don't even know how to advocate for her with the doctors . Any and all advice is greatly appreciated.