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Spring's Achievements

  1. The photosensitivity may be caused by heavy metals (Mercury in particular). That's what happened to my son. You may want to look into the heavy metals test information posted here. Spring
  2. Hi Chemar, Thanks for your reply! Yes, it's cilantro that people use it as seasoning. Genestral Brands names it differently (I guess). I read somewhere that will mobilize heavy metals. Hence I asked the question.
  3. My friend has mentioned to me that CILANTROGEN (from Genestra Brands) can assist with the detoxification of mercury and other heavy metals. It works well with AFA-GEN (also from Genestra Brands) for heavy metals. Has anyone one had any experience with CILANTROGEN? Here is the link: http://www.rockwellnutrition.net/product.asp?itemid=215 Thanks in advance! Spring
  4. Mom and Brett, FYI. In Claire’s early posts, she recommended the following tests: 1). CDSA stool test (for yeast parasites intentional inflammation, etc..) 2). Great Plains urine test (for yeast/casein/gluten...) 3). Great Smokies blood test for Fatty acids (Omegas, etc...) 4). Spectracell blood test for vitamin (or nutrition) deficiencies 5). Great Smokies blood test elemental analysis (mercury) 6). Immunolab blood tests for allergies (IgG--for delayed sensitivies) My son tested for 1), 3), and 5). That’s how we found out that he’s high in mercury and low in nutrition and antioxidant. Hope this helps!
  5. Hi mom, Thanks for the information! I'll definitely look into Carnicine. Two years ago, my son's heavy metal hair analysis test came out negative. In the beginning of this year, we had our DAN doctor ordered the Great Smokies elemental analysis (for heavy metals), and Spectracell FIA5000 profile (for vitamin deficiencies) for my son. The elemental analysis showed he’s high in mercury, cadmium and antimony. The FIA5000 showed many nutrition deficiencies and low antioxidant level. After 6 months supplements, he's retested this summer. The cadmium and antimony are back to normal, but mercury is still high (drop a little though). His antioxidant level got increased from 28% to 35%. He's continuing his treatment currently. We noticed that he's less sensitive to screens recently. If you can find a DAN doctor in your area, you may want to ask for these tests. Brett, Forgot to mention, chiropractic also helped my son, and the treatment is covered by insurance. BTW, I have read some non-positive feedback on Nystatin as Chemar mentioned.
  6. Hi Brett, I have been reading your story and didn’t get chance to post due to my recent work schedule. I totally understand your feeling. It is heart breaking. My son (currently 9 years old, a 4th grader) has been on homeopathic remedies for 2 years. The remedy definitely helped him. He’s been taking UNDA numbered remedies. However, homeopathic is not covered by insurance. I’m not familiar with PANDAS, so I can’t give much suggestion for it. In my son’s case, I believe that heavy metals (in particular mercury) are the major contributors to his tics. He also has much nutrition deficiency. Currently, besides the “natural chelating” vitamin program monitored by our DAN doctor, he also takes the remedies to help his body detox at the same time. For my son, TV, computer, electronic games, bright light, some sports and excitement are triggers for his tics. It’s really a trial and learning process. I would suggest taking small step at a time. Don’t try making too many changes at the same time. It’ll add more stress to the kid. My son is a very sensitive child. We had very difficult time to start the vitamin program in the beginning. Due to his adverse reactions, we had to stop the supplements many times in the middle and restart over from the beginning with small dosage. It takes time to build up. Although it is a lot of work and the road is not easy, there is a hope. Please hanging there…and don’t be hesitating to ask questions! Wish you the best!
  7. Hi Evangelia My son started the zyertec when he was 3. It helped initially, but no longer seemed working after a while. Besides, he got hyper sometimes while he’s on it. Currently, he’s taking querceton from Thorn research and it helps. Querceton is the modified version of quercetin. Both our DAN and ND recommend “thorn reach”. Here is the link http://www.myvits.com/products/proddesc.as...%3D1%26page%3D1 As Chemar mentioned already, chiropractor should help the head shaking.
  8. Hi Chemar, You mentioned that your son had his teeth sealed. Do you know what kind of sealant that he had? My son's dentist also asked him to seal his teeth, but I'm not sure. I appreciate your input. Thanks!
  9. Hi, welcome ! Sorry to hear about your grandson! How long has your grandson been having tics? Has he done any exam or lab test? There is a lot of information on the board. I suggest you taking some time to read posts here. Some people found out the following may be triggers or contributors to tics, such as TV/electronic games, food allergies, heavy metal toxicity, yeast problem, nutrition imbalance, etc. The easy things you may want to try first: 1). Avoid TV/e-games for a week to see if his tics will be improved 2). Avoid artificial colors, flavors from food that he eats Meanwhile, you may want to find if there is a DAN doctor in your area (search from the top thread on this board). If it’s possible, heavy metal, organic acid test may help you to find out if your grandson has heavy metal or yeast problem. Hope this helps, and feel free to ask questions. People on this board are nice, and willing to share! Good luck!
  10. Hi Efgh, It's good to see your post. How is son doing? We have not started his chelating yet since he needs to correct his nutrition imbalance first. His tics are under control, but not disappered. He's been taking supplements for 5 months. He just had his blood test rechecked 2 days ago. We'll see how his mercury, cadmium and nutrition levels will be. My son actually doesn't miss TV any more, but he watches once a while from school. Again, it's good to hear from you. Hope all well!
  11. Hi Kim, My son also did the test from the same lab. A Dr. signature is not required. However, you'll have to provide a doctor's name and address. The lab will send the test result to the doctor's office. In my son's case, I put my DAN Dr.'s name there (and my DAN Dr. didn't mind). Also, when you call to order the kit, you may ask for Ellen Hanson. She'll anwser your questions nicely.
  12. Hi Kim, Thanks so much for the sharing! I do see some similarity between your son and mine. My son also has high mercury, cadmium and imbalanced nutrition level. He's currently on vits program and remedies under our DAN doctor and ND's care. He may need to go through the chelating process after his nutrition imbalance is corrected. I would like to discuss enzymes with my DAN doctor. However, my son is almost "sensitive" to each new supplement. I was wondering if your son had any adverse reaction to enzymes when he started it. Thanks again!
  13. ad ccl: Here are some old threads from this board: http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=988&hl= http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=947&hl= My son's Pyroluria level is in the range, but he has high mercury and other heavy metals. Good luck on your treatment!
  14. Hi all, I have seen quite few posts talking about the enzymes. I appreciate if someone can share your story of using enzymes. Also, the brand name that's been used, and the dosage. Thanks in advance!
  15. Hi, I had my son tested from the following lab: http://www.pyroluriatesting.com/?page=shop...2955d7fa6e15600 You can call the lab to ask your question or order the kit. The contact person's name is: Ellen Hanson
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