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  1. Hi again I want to thank all of you who replied to my post. Your insight is very helpful. You're right, it's a bit overwhelming, but i have a long way to go. Very interesting about the Msg and artificial colorings. Abbie has not had the MMR vaccine and my 2 yr old son has had a handful of vaccines due to research i have done in the last several years re: dangers of some vaccines..i limit her sweets and try to feed her wholesome food-i give her fish oil supplements (a good quality) daily but i imagine her food still has those horrible preservatives in them. I have heard of Feingolds diet and will study it some more. I will also research the website suggested here for enzymes! Thanks again JEnnifer
  2. Hi I am new to these boards and feel my daughter may have Tourettes . Her 2nd cousin has severe tourettes and i am hoping to find out as much info as possible to try to help her early. She is smart and follows directions, up to speed in everything..but has experienced several different tics in the past 6 months or so. Blinking, humming, ect..those are gone, and now she is now shaking her head from side to side every few seconds. This one has been going on for about a week and i received a call from her kindergarden teacher yesterday, who is "scared" for her. I'm not sure what to think. I took her to a neurologist a few months ago and he said to "wait and see". He said he can't diagnose anything yet - he needs to watch her for about a year. In the meantime, i want to do what i can to help her. I am interested in the enzymes and some of the stuff i've read here. Does anyone know where i would start twith the enzymes? Does anyone have any advice for me? Thanks Jennifer
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