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TSL last won the day on August 21 2016

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  1. A little unrelated to your post, but related to tics: My 7 year old son started to have tics (eye and head jerks, nose twitch) and after much research, I happened upon giving magnesium to help reduce tics. Anyway, other things I did along with a magnesium glycinate supplement and massaging magnesium (plus Epsom salt baths) is to up his intake of magnesium rich food and decreased amount of things that hinders the absorption of magnesium) , I felt so lost and stressed about my son's tics, Feel free to contact me if you want more information about what I did and my situation in general. I've shared my story here on Latitudes.org
  2. My 7 year old son started to have tics as well and after much research, I happened upon giving magnesium to help reduce tics. My son took the Magnesium Glycinate for about 1 week then I used used Magnasoothe balm (on his shoulders) and oil (on his feet) and massaged it in. I also gave him epsom salt baths (as that is magnesium). I also made other adjustments. I have shared my story on Latitudes.org here.
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