My daughter "I" 10 years, has been battling eye tics (didn't even know what they were). Since her MMR,Tdap and Hep A immunization boosters this past late March. Only now after a month of seeing an Ophthalmologist to Neurologist to joining a support group have I begun to put the puzzle pieces together. Waiting to consult with a PANS doctor in NorCal after going the traditional PC, then Specialist route...they can't help me at all! Haven't heard of PANS or PANDAS and when I finally got a specialist who was supposed to be a PANS doctor, I drove to LA and end of the day..complete waste of time. He had never even diagnosed a single PANS/PANDAS patient...I am convinced it was due to her immunizations. That was so significant as we were trying to find out why the sudden eye movements. After a month of appointments at the Eye Doctor. I told my daughter there was nothing wrong with her eyes and to just stop the movements! Will regret that forever. She can not help making those movements and she is in constant pain with her eyes because of the tics. One night I just typed in eye movements, and learned about PANS myself! Wow! I can not believe how many children this is affecting and yet, the medical community in NOT recognizing this as a true syndrome! I am here to ask for help and guidance. It feels good to know that many have been here before me. I am reading rowingmom and it could be MY daughter that I am reading scary! I would love to get in touch with people to consult, compare and learn!! Thank you!!