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Everything posted by Newtothis
Help - son started noticeably ticking this week......
Newtothis replied to loofagirl's topic in Tourette Syndrome and Tics
Hello, my eight year old son recently began having an eye rolling tic along with some OCD symptoms not so long ago. It is overwhelming at first all the information here. However it is very helpful and supportive. I can tell you my son responded well to a well rounded multi vitamin, a cleaner diet meaning mostly organics and whole foods. The one mineral that made a big difference was magnesium taurate. Use the website to search around. Here are some links I found helpful: http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/te...s/pam_ferro.htm http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...794&hl=diet http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?...687&hl=diet As for my son, he has his good days and not so good days. As time progress I think we are getting a better handle on it all. He goes for an MRI in just a couple of weeks to rule other illnesses. The other option is grim, doctors pills follow the link to this program which was on PBS's Frontline it is about medicating our children. My favorite scene involves some poor kid that is on like 8 different meds and while he downing his meds he eating corn dogs and drinking gatorade. Anyway here is the link. -Matt http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/medicatedchild/ Loofagirl -
We were very happy our Neurologist had a cancellation today so we moved up our appointment and went to see him. The short story it went ten times better than we were expecting. We were expecting the normal check em and chuck em 15 minute visit but we didn't get that. Instead we got a great doctor that was great at putting our son at ease (he was very hesitant about the visit) and happy to take all the time we needed. We started by giving the doctor a 2 page quick summary of our sons symptoms, how he had progressed the changes we made and the questions we had. We did that for two reasons number 1 so we would not forget all the symptoms and questions we had. Also, so the doctor would not have to waste time to ask us what we knew and also, we just wanted to cut to the chase. After all we were expecting the 15min quickie. Our son was examined then a few test all of which our son enjoyed. Then after he answered all of our questions for an hour and a half. He reassured us it was indeed a tic, not likely a tumor. We will be getting a MRI soon. His big thing was if the tic goes on for more than a yr it is TS and not just transient tics. He told us today it's an eye roll, tomorrow it could be something else. He told us to be more concerned if a vocal tic occurs. He backed up things that we have all read he like how common tics are and how most people don't even notice them. So as for the vitamin and triggers questions well, he did not dismiss them but gave us the medical disclaimer as to how no one is sure about vitamins, TV, Games and how other stress factors affect tics. However he told us that the body is very individual and do what ever we thought would help (mostly us). He went over the vitamins we have been giving him. We had brought them in, he told us we were giving 5 times the amount of A than he needed and over all we were giving him a bit to much. So we are going to give him the multi vitamin only once a day and continue the other vitamin and supplements only once a day instead of twice. He reminded us that that is only 68 lbs and not a full size human, makes sense. We were happy to get guidance for the vitamins, because while there are lots of answers to what works there are not many answers as to how much to give. As for the TV and game triggers, he told us that our son gets relaxed and when someone with tics is relaxed they tic more.(is that true?) As for absence seizures he said not likely, something we had already kind of ruled out too. However, he said we will never know if it could be seizures because EEG's give out to many false positives/negitives to determine Absence seizures. We know diet affects our son, just in the two weeks we have changed his diet he seems better in many ways. He reassured us that our son sees fine when his eyes are rolling around (scary), but it seems true because it does not affect his ability to catch a ball or watch a show. Also He reassured us that the tics are more scary for us than him. He mentioned if his school work drops off because of the tics to let him know. Apparently that is a sign of something more serious. In the end he gave us his personal card and direct phone number if we had any new or other concerns to call him. Wow, I can't tell you the last time a doctor did that. Our son has a follow up visit in October. We are going to see a D.A.N. doctor next to get not just his nutritional needs handled but also our daughters and ours too. We don't want him to feel alone in all this. After all we all know the last things kids want to feel is different from their piers. Thanks again for all the good info on this site -Matt
Thank you for your reply. You are the first person I have come in contact with for the eye rolling tic. I am very glad to hear it went well. I went to the ped neurologists today and that visit went well I will be posting how that went on a new topic soon. May I ask how was your sons behavior and diet before the tics came on. In retrospect we think we saw small signs that something was different but did not put anything together until the very scary at first, eye rolls came.
It has been 3 weeks since my son first started having really bad side to side eye rolls. This is an update and I have questions for you all. This site has been very helpful for us and we are very thankful for finding this site. My original post is http://www.latitudes.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2866 Anyway, he had slowed down dramatically (the eye rolls) after altering his diet, cutting back to whole foods. Having him take good multiple vitamin, an adrenal stress vitamin with lots of B's and some adrenal polypeptide fractions and betane, l-tyrosine (whatever all that does I don't know) Grape seed extract, magnesium, CLA, and Omega 3 pills. In addition we did a RAST allergy test through his pediatrician. Everything came back fine. However, we feel as though carbs, like wheat bread and breads in general, seem to make his eyes roll or tic more. So, we have cut them out for now the best we can. Lots of change in his diet has been hard on him. After all, it is Christmas time, the time of all the yummy simple carbs. His school teacher noticed a difference in him. She said he seemed like a happier boy, loving school again. We also cut his computer time down to 10 mins in the morning, and 20 mins at night, with very little TV. Much better than his habit before (baby steps). It is hard to try and redirect his energy and focus on other things, but we are trying. In addition, we have been having him nap, which he hates, but is now getting used to it at 2:00 pm, for at least 30 mins. This seems to really refresh him. OK, so today, Christmas.... for us lots of video games, and plenty of excitement. By @ 4 o'clock his eyes were rolling pretty good and in fact at about 8 o'clock they seemed to roll up for the first time that I had seen (like a mini seizure). His diet today was very good, no simple sugars, no carbs, all the vitamins. But, lots of visual stimulation, the whole day. My questions are: Is this a good indicator that TV is the main trigger? Or the stress of focussing on the games themselves? Could it be the diet, too? Also, we meet the pediatric neurologist in 2 days, what are some good questions to ask? For sure I want to ask about TS, but also about things such as Absence Seizures, some form of hypoxia (low oxygen levels), vitamin deficiency's (which has not been tested for), metal levels in his body, EEG's and biofeedback. I would very much appreciate some good feedback on what to ask. Thank you very much for all your help once again. -Matt P.S. Have any of you used a D.A.N. doctor?
Thank you for your support, who knew so much of this was going on with so many children.
Thank you, I will work on getting a strep test from my doctor. Is it possible to have strep with out a fever?
Thank you for your reply. We have already beguin to change his diet. We have found sort of the right cocktail of supplements but how much is to much and how much is to little?
Sudden onset of tics, although teeth grinding has been a while. No strep infections EVER, not afraid of germs. Starting to crack knuckles habitually. He has been on the TV and computer for long hours before the tics. Did some reading on PANDAS and don't really think it fits him. We have started supplementing his diet with a multiple B comlex, Magnesium with stearate?, grapeseed extract, edrenal stress booster (adrenal polypedtide from bovine) along with other multi vitamins. We don't know how much to give him though. He weighs 69 lbs. We have also changed what he eats in the last few days. Trying to give him more whole foods. He isn't enjoying this, but we are trying to stick with it. We found a link on someone's post for http://www.breakingtheviciouscycle.info/le...illegal_d-n.htm to find legal and illegal foods to feed him. We tried a .25 mg Clonzepan to see if there was any affect. There was, eye rolls slowed down and mood was better. But made him very tired. He could feel the difference from the pill.
Hello, I am a parent of a 8yr old little boy, who, 9 days ago, we started to see his eyes roll from side to side while watching TV. He did not know it was going on nor did he seemed bothered by it. However it is scaring the heck out of us. Here is a brief summary of whats going on. - When he talks to us or reads - no eye movement. - He has suddenly become obsessed with getting on the computer(we have limited that to 20min a day) - Craves sugary foods - Seems like he feels constantly hungry - super tired by his mid-day - frequent melt downs and frustration - eyes roll more when he is tired - when he is sleeping, it does not seem as if his eyes are rolling - his eyes are not all red in the morning like they get at night, puffy, blood shot and just tired looking - he also clicks his teeth while sleeping What we have done so far. He has seen an opthomologist - all good there. But, of course, the doctor didn't see his eyes roll side to side. Today we saw our pediatrician(not much help) he is sending us to a Pediatric Neurologist, I hope soon. My question here is after combing the web 8 days, is this a complex tic? I do have a video of the eye roll but not sure how to post it here. This is the first time I have run across a forum online and I am very happy for that. Please help with this if you can. Thank you very much. ***Update, now on day 12 of the eye rolling tic. We have begun to change is diet to a gluten free diet the best we can and have is tv/computer time to just 20mins. His tics have slowed down. Also finally we were able to have the doctor order some blood work turns out he is a little bit anemic. We are still waiting for the RAAST test result, and strep results. For whatever reason the doctor was adverse to running a metals and vitamin deficiency test. Maybe it comes out his pocket (lol) Also when he did some of the basic neurological test I learned he did them wrong but thats ok, after all ped doctors don't normally see this sort of thing. I ran them at home to make sure he didn't have signs of major brain injuries. Next it is off to the neurologist finally in a week. (that is fast in Kaiser time)