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  1. Hi everyone, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to turn to, but I desperately need help with my situation and will greatly appreciate advice anyone can give me. One of my closest friends has Tourette's Syndrome. We have been friends for 9 years, and I never really noticed it because his tics were strictly simple motor ones that didn't happen very often. In fact he wasn't officially diagnosed with Tourette's until he was 20. It appears that his condition is getting worse with age. He is now 23. My friend and I started dating in October, and two weeks after this began, he developed a very vocal tic that has only gotten worse. It started off quiet and only occurred at random times, but now he makes this sound every few seconds. It's very loud and disruptive. He has never experienced a vocal tic this severe. I have noticed that the sound occurs very rapidly and more often when he is nervous or excited. I've also noticed that it occurs more frequently when we are alone or with my family. However, when we are with mutual friends, it is not as prominent; although it is still very noticable. I am wondering if he is anxious about dating me and being around my family and that is causing the increase in tics. I'm not sure if this is a factor, but my boyfriend is a smoker. He has tried to quit smoking since we started dating, and that too has made him very anxious. I hate to say this, but his new tic, to put it bluntly, is driving me crazy. I understand that he cannot control it, but I don't know how to deal with this. Now we are having relationship issues because I find it incredibly difficult to be intimate with him when he is constantly making this sound. I am also relectunt to go to certain places, like movie theaters, with him because the sound is very disruptive. However, he does not care that his Tourette's effects other people. His response is that if "they don't like it, it's their problem." I also have a hard time dealing with this attitude. My boyfriend has been on medication only once before a couple of years ago. I'm not sure of the dosage, but the medication was Haldol. He hated the way it made him feel, so he stopped taking it immediately and now refuses to take any medication. I have read all the basic information about Tourette's, and now I am in search of personal experiences to help cope with this issue. I am on the verge of leaving him because I can't handle the Tourette's. I know that is terrible, and I definitely do not want to take that route. I need help, please! Here are my questions: Are there any alternative treatments for reducing tics? like certain vitamins or minerals? I briefly saw mention of this topic on the forum and would like to know more. How does diet play a role in the onset and reduction of tics? How do I tell him that I'm experiencing difficulty in dealing with his condition? How do I keep my sanity when the sound he makes doesn't stop? Is it wrong for me to feel this way? Should I suggest that he see a doctor and try a different medication? Why is his Tourette's getting worse with age when every article I've read about it indicates that it should get better? Any information on how to reduce tics and dealing with a loved one who has Tourette's is greatly appreciate. Thanks in advance!!
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