Thank you ONE AND ALL for your insight and support!! I'm sorry I'm not alone but I am glad to be in the same boat with knowledgable, capable and caring moms like you!!
Some of my concerns were allivated like "were we wrong to have their tonsils removed" and the answer is nebulous as the disorder itself; other fears of ever getting back to normal were abated about the success story of the preteen who survived PANDAS. And the fact that there is a doctor actively pursuring a greater understanding of PANDAS - yeah, Dr. Murphy is hopeful. She became a doctor after working through Tourett's (I do have a call into her office to try to connect Dr. Murphy to our family physician Dr. Harbor.)
One of the most interesting pieces of information was the intensity of PANDAS that it can be extreme and mild and not necessarily go away. Which (prior to getting their tonsils out) WOULD go away after seven days of antibiotic. Currently, I am assessing Sophie (who exhibits more OCD sypmtoms like checking, becoming more clumsy, regressing to baby talk, losing concentration, disinterested in the things that she loves like drawing and singing) and Boone (who exhibits more ADHD sypmtoms like agressive behavior, extremely impulsive, but hyper focused on other things). And, I'm considering the cost-benefit ratio like which antibiotic maintains a more steady effect of symptoms. Soooo, Boone (age 4) is back on Zithromax because his impulsivity on amox. was very difficult to circumvent. Now, I need a sit down with Dr. Harbor and hopefully Dr. Murphy about the effects of long term antibiotic, which is the best to consider for long term ... A primer so to speak of the cost-benefit ratio.
Also, one thing that I am considering is homeopathy or acupucture. Has anyone explored these areas for presenting symptoms? Plus, I am trying to be aware of environmental triggers.
Upon seeing the psychologist, she was intrigued and very encouraging about trying to understand the effects of PANDAS and encouraged me to read a book by Dr. Stanley Greenspan about "floor time" and engaging them outside of their "episode". She said she would like to see a video of the "worst" behavior, only upon leaving the office did I realize that I barely have time to take family video for prosperity sake. Besides, upon their worst times I am not necessarily "on" myself. So, I am aquainting myself with cognitive behaviorial therapy. Reading Thom Hartmann's the Edison-Gene. Excellent.
So, speaking of enduring the behaviorial deviations how have you managed? Like I said, I just recently became educated about PANDAS so I'm explaining now to my friends the intensity of their behavior and WHY I've been elusive. My mother has been especially understanding but other grandparents don't quiet get it. How have y'all kept in tune to the rest of your world?
Again, thank you for your patience and insight. So Sincerely, Rachel