I was recently diagnosed with chronic Lyme (with a chronic strep confection). Since I've had tics since childhood, my doc considers it PANS. I've been on his treatment regimen for a couple weeks now, which includes minocycline, rifampin, antifungals, a biofilm buster, LDN, and a few other odds and ends.
I also recently got back the results from a urine neurotransmitter test. It showed I had low levels of GABA and serotonin, and high levels of epinephrine. The recommended treatment was a duo of supplements called Travacor and Symotix. My LLMD/PANS doc agreed with the assessment so I started the Travacor per the lab's instructions, and added in the Symotix a week later.
Upon adding the Symotix, I noticed an increase in my tics. Just really intense internal tension and irritability. I read the label and saw that it includes 2mg of manganese...100% of the daily requirement. I've read before that people with tics should not take manganese.
I don't know if the increase in tics could be from the manganese or part of a herx reaction to the Lyme/strep dying off. I got some relief from stopping the Symotix after a couple days so I'm inclined to believe that was the problem.
Anyone have any info about tics and manganese?