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About Anna1970
- Birthday 06/09/1970
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Windsor,Ont Canada
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lurker yes he was sick he was not feeling well about 2 weeks ago! see i dont know what to do my doctor keeps saying it is normal and i know it is not (tics) he will not go into this much with me and as for changing doctors it is hard here i am in Canada and doctors are hard to get where i live if you have on then you need to keep him/her! i have taken all sort of stuff out of his diet and he was doing so good till now! i am so lost right now! Ann
Thanks Chemar the place is free of mold and all the yukky stuff i made sure of that before hand but now you say they prayed around my house a few weeks back for weeds and spiders! maybe that is on of the triggers!! as for my mom wearing perfumes she cant she has COPD and is on Oxygen so none of that around here! i just feel so bad for my son he yell at me i think it is b/c he i am the only one he can vent on he tells me he HATES me and it hurts so bad but i have to understand he has no clue what that even means i was getting very up set with him when he would say it but i have noticed he has been saying this to me when he cant express him self or is upset! he has also been have problems at school thank god it is done soon! he is being teased by the other kids b/c they cant understand him he keeps saying he is ugly b/c this kid has said this to him.... just makes me so angry that he has to go through this i want to keep him home but i know that would not be good for him! on a bright side he has met 2 boys ... they are brothers and he play greats with him he laughs the whole time he is playing with them... they are good boys 5 and 6 years old... i am sorry i am rambling again! Ann
I have not been on here for a while 2 reasons one no internet! 2 my son has been doing really good! UNTIL this past month there has been many changes in his life he is 41/2 yrs old and he does not do well with change to begin with well . We moved , got notice and moved all within 2 weeks! he was doing very good with the move and also another change has been my mother staying with us for a while now! there has been other small changes add up to tons for him! My ? is could his stuttering be a Tic?? he has also been going to the washroom in his pants, not wanting to go to school, i cant do anything without him being right next me ... oh yes he has been SWEATING like crazy i dont know if this is b/c his asthma is bad right now with the heat or what but man the kid has a soaked shirt within 1/2 hour of playing! ok i am done rambling on thanks for listening any advice would be great! Ann
My ds does this also not to the point of swelling but it does get red he will also wipe his nose! i dont know what to tell you just wanted to let you know my son does this too Ann
did your child develope these behaviors rather suddenly? well yes he did it was last spring where i really noticed them we were alking to the store it was a beautiful day out and a walk that usually takes 5 mins turned into 30 there and back , he was walking and stopping with every other step clenching his fist and rolling his toes (found this out when we were home with no shoes one) but he would stop dead even if it was in the middle of the road. about a month or so before this episode i noticed him squinting his eyes while watching tv but his eyes are fine had them checked. through the summer they were not near as bad as now. Ann
Anna, Hi. I just wanted to say that every kid is different. The fact that one kid reacts to red dye, etc., does not mean yours will, or that eliminating these things will help. There are many reasons for tics, your child may not have sensitivities or allergies. Did you get him checked? Especially if your childs behavior is PANDAS related, most likely infection (and remaining high antibody levels), is causing the problem and diet changes, although I agree it can't hurt, may not help at all. Did you have blood work done to check for antibody levels? Is he currently taking an antibiotic? Take care! Kelly I have not had any blood test done as of yet i have a doctors Appointment next week to talk and tell him what i want done no he is not taking antibiotics right now ok i have another question!?? can a child with PANDAS be feeling fine and still have a infection! i tell ya i am so overwhelmed with all the different things! i just thought i would try the basic things right now by taking things away thanks again! i think i should change my name to CONFUSED MOM! Ann
well i was just reading and found out tartrazine is yellow dye!!!! so this may be why i have not saw a improvement! oh wow i really need to know what i am doing!tartrazine is in EVERYTHING!
I took my son off Red Dye 40 and any yellow die, and MSG how long should it take before i see any improvement?? his ticks have not let up at all and it has been a week should i wait long longer or should i have seen some improvements already?? Thanks once again Ann
My son has always had a Problem with personal space, we have been trying to teach him about that, he was doing better with it but the when he gets to excited he will wave his hands in some faces. i feel bad i want to make all this right for him .... he is the most loving child you will ever meet, he is a little rough but i think that is a boy being a boy he is the same as the other boys in his class in that way.. i dont want to sit and think every time he does something out of the norm that it is a tic! i think i am going nuts! Thanks Ann
I went to pick my Son up from school and his teacher told me about my son when he was playing with the other kids they were very excited and he would go up to the other kids anyone whoever was around him and wave his hands in their faces was like he is tickling them but only when he was excited and she said he was doing other tic's right after. so i was wondering if this was yet another tic?? the kids were getting upset with him and didnt want to play no more ( he was not hurting them) was just in their personal space. Thanks Again Ann
This has been over a year and a half for us on this "journey" to help our son. He has had a couple set backs, both major ones due to stress, one was over some bullying plus a terrible move for us, the last one was starting school in Gr 3. He had to deal with a new private school and a bus ride. We have done IgG, standard prick tests as well for allergy, changing his diet to reduce the problem foods, taking away all artificial colors, flavours etc. We also have him on Bonnies Vitamins and have had about 5 visits to a NAET Dr. I don't know what the real reason is for his progress, he is doing very well right now. My biggest problem is having faith that all the prayers and tears I have shed for him are not in vain. I want so bad to believe that we have been led down the right path on our journey, but I still have way too much anxiety thinking the tics will come back. I know they probably will, but I am hoping to a much lesser extent. For today, I will just hug the little guy and tell him how much I love him and how proud I am of him and pray for myself first, to be a good father and caregiver, then pray for him. If I didn't find this board, and spend time and money researching all these leads on what can help him, I feel I would not be doing my job as a parent. Just don't get too obsessed, my biggest mistake/challenge. Let your child be a child. I now let him have a few pieces of "junk food" now and then. We let him watch TV and play his Nintendo on a limited basis, if he tics, so what, they go away and probably no one else knows but me anyways. By the way, where to you live in Canada Ann? We are in Vancouver area. lmcgil Thanks for the advice! i will try and not let this run my life! some told me before that no one see his tic's i am just scared he will get teased i know i can not protect him from that and kids will be kids but it hurts so much! i will let him be a kid! by the way i live in Windsor.Ontario Ann
Ann, No worries about butting in on a post, it was actually meant for you, I just got the names mixed up! Anyway, it is worth investigating, about the strep at birth, etc. Reactions come on stronger with each additional infection, so, that MAY be why you didn't notice anything before. With my son's first strep infection, he was almost 3, his reaction was so minimal, mild ocd symptoms, we didn't even worry about it, and it went totally away. Next strep, almost 5, whole different story!! Dramatic ocd/vocal tics. Do your sons symptoms get worse lately after illness, infection, or immunizations? Does he have separation anxiety, clinginess, nighttime fears or other odd behaviors (anger, moodiness, etc.) that goes along with his tics? Kelly well he was just sickl about 1 month ago with Bronical asthma and yes the tic's did come more!! he gets fevers all the time that will last a day or 2 and go aways when i bring him to the doctors there is no reason for the fever but he does not do a strep test on him either!last year when i really noticed the Tic's was when he had a fever bad and could not find any infection just after that was when i noticed the Tic's as for (separation anxiety, clinginess, nighttime fears or other odd behaviors (anger, moodiness, etc.) that goes along with his tics?) he just started school this year and he was fine with me leaving him with the teacher at the door but now he needs me to go into the school with him also he says to me when i pick him up where were you i was waiting for you! it is so sad but he is fine in a few mins! Nighttime well he has and still does wake up all the time at the least 2 to as many as 6 times a night! he just needs to see me and i rub his back he will go back to sleep! anger, moodiness well if he has been ticing alot he will get upset really easy and lash out at me him yell swear what ever he can do to get it out! i feel so bad for him when he is like this b/c it is like he has got to a point where he cant take no more! (he dont sit and cry or anything like that it is more a frustration thing)KWIM? i must say the tic's did go away in the summer for a little bit well not totally but it didnt bother him as much! Ann
Thank you it is so much easier knowing tehre are other people out there going through something similar I will go buy the multi Vitiamin without dye today i never knew anyof this till i came on this forum thanks again Ann Hi Calicat I live in Windsor Ontario i already have my binder for writing stuff down i had papers all over my desk till the other night and decided to get a book for this! and i will look into the thread labeled "essential threads" thanks you so much i have to run nowi will be looking at the essential threasds later Thanks Ann
Caryn i will be talking to my doctor about sending him for allergy testing i do not have to pay for this (i live in Canada) so i will ask but oh my it took 3 of us for his flu shot it will take ten of us for this i will do what you siad first by taking all the stuff you said away and see where this goes thanks Ann
faith I tested Neg but was Positive my son was very sick he was on a ventulartor for about 4 days i could not hold him for ONE WEEK he had very strong meds i have said something to my Doctor about this and he said that strep B was a baby sickness so i dont know but i9 have been reading so much about Strep and was wondering if anyone knew if it was the same thing Ann