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  1. Holy cow. Hi everyone. I started this post on this forum 11 years ago back when I was in college at Miami University in Ohio. Today was the first time since then that I happened to look it up and see if I could find it again. Needless to say, I was SHOCKED when I saw that this has gotten over 115,000 views and has gotten such a huge response. I'm now 31 years old and I'm still rocking and rolling. Things have gotten better than they were when I was in college, but I still count letters and alphabetize the letters in words. It's been great reading so many responses and seeing how well so many of you are doing. This is just crazy! Best of luck to everyone here!
  2. I know most of you have heard of counting being a part of OCD, but I had a question about it. I have counted letters in words for as long as I can remember. While people talk, while I write, while I drive and read road signs, always. That's common for people with OCD. But, somehow, I can do it really, really fast. Pretty much instantly, as soon as I hear a word, before I can even think, I know the number of letters. I can do this within probably 2 seconds tops with words or sentences with about 26 letters or less in them. And if that's not enough, I can alphabetize the letters in any word almost as fast as I can spell the word itself. I have talked to people who count and alphabetize, but never anyone who does it nearly as fast as I can. I was just wondering if anyone else has ever heard of anyone that can do this???? I would like to just hear about it. Thank you in advance. -Brian
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