My son is also wiping his face. This is the 2nd time he's gone through this. The first time last 2-3 months and his face became so red and raw... We had to constantly keep cream on his face. He used his sleeve to wipe his face. Now - he's doing it again, only this time, he HAS to have a wet washcloth to wipe with. His face is already red and sore. It upsets him very much. He doesn't want to go to church or school... He's embarrassed by it of course. He is 9 years old. And unlike the previous post, he it not itchy. He simply feels COMPELLED to do it. I'm trying desperately not to put him on medication. He has had various tics for 5+ years. Any help or suggestions would sure be appreciated! I have another son who is 11. He also has had tics for years. I have found that giving him Magnesium supplements helps to relieve his tics. But this doesn't seem to work for my younger son.