My son is a nomal active 5 year old. He plays the violin and baseball and enjoys video games and playing with his peers.
Sometimes when he gets a bad cold or when allergies are in the air his eyes give him a real hard time.
About 2 years ago he suffered from the same things and our doctors said it was due to allergies. I tried some antihestimine eye drops but they made the problem worse. I stopped the medication and his eye problems seemed to go away by itself.
Lately in the morning right when he wakes up it takes a while for him to get accustomed to the light. He squints a lot and says that his eyes hurt to look at the TV. He usually bilnks excessively and sometimes very hard.
Recently especially in the evenings his eyes are again giving him a real hard time. He has been blinking more frequently and sometimes a few quick blinks followed by a hard one. Sometimes he asks for eye drops (which are just lubrication drops I bought). They seem to help a little.
His blinking seems to be the worst when he's trying to re-focus on something new. For example if he's playing his iPad for 10 minutes he's fine, but if he looks up at the TV or something else he blinks a lot almost as if trying to re-focus and the bilinking helps.
What I'm trying to figure out is if he has a tic or just problems with his eyes. BTW, when he had his eyes tested the doctor said they were fine.
When I do internet searches on excessive blinking everything that comes up is tic related so I wanted to ask on a site like this to people that really know and can help me differentiate between a tic and eye irritiations.
We have no family history of any of this stuff however as you can probably tell from my post I worry a lot, especially when it comes to my kids.
I suppose I could have summed this all up in one question.
How can I tell if my som has a tic or jusy problems with his eyes bothering him?
Thanks in advance for any help.