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  1. my response was to mommy bee who said, "...by definition, pandas is a pediatric illness." in either event, it is very important to clarify that a person can develop pandas in adulthood. imagine a 'normal' adult life with its relationships, family, responsibilities, and career being turned upside down when an adult develops pandas and begins thinking, feeling, and behaving like a sick and pained autistic toddler overnight. it is horrific. imagine the irreparable damage to your life when it takes six months, twenty doctors, and several emergency room visits to get a diagnosis. dr. amiram katz in orange, ct has extensive knowledge and experience with adult onset pandas. he is a brilliant and compassionate human being and doctor.
  2. your information is incorrect. pans/pandas can develop in adulthood. it is rare, but it does happen. dr. swedo confirmed this. please do not continue to present incorrect information as fact. as you know, spreading of medical misinformation has been disastrous for many of us on this forum. thank you.
  3. i take benadryl and tylenol just prior to ivig treatments (about half and hour before as i am starting the pre-hydration). i continue to use tylenol only as needed for pain. i do not take benadryl at any other time.
  4. orange, ct. dr. amiram katz neurologist 203.795.5425 brilliant and compassionate doctor and human being. nontraditional office. his three dogs are in charge. staff is very responsive via email; telephone contact is not preferred. dr. katz diagnosed my pandas and has been aggressively treating me with patience and respect. all other doctors had previously misdiagnosed me, dismissed me, or ridiculed me. he is very knowledgeable about pandas and is happy to share information. i cannot recommend him highly enough.
  5. YES! i am seeing dramatic improvement with ongoing ivig treatment. the path is long and winding with many ups and downs, but i am gradually seeing hope of returning to myself and my 'normal' life with ivig. i cannot recommend it highly enough.
  6. for adults (with adult onset pandas) dr. amiram katz orange, ct
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