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bnichola's Achievements

  1. Thanks a lot for all of the great answers, guys! Kim, to answer your question, I am currently taking 18 pills a day - 4 with all three meals plus three twice daily (6 A.M., 10/11 P.M.). I'll stick with the program for about two or three more weeks, then look for other available routes if necessary. I realize it's early in this program, and I would not like to make any premature judgments! Thanks again - Ben
  2. Hi everybody! I only have ten minutes left on my break, so I'll keep this short... Short introduction - I am a 19 year old college student that was diagnosed with Tourettes 10 years ago. Although I have a pretty mild case (only immediate family and a few select friends are aware of my condition), I - like anyone suffering from Tourettes - have found myself confused, irritated, and generally helpless to drastically reduce the effects. I was on Haldol since ten, but discontinued its use last year. Not only was it inactive in treating any symptoms, but it made me drowsy to the point where it interrupted my education and social activities. Anyways, I recently have been dabbling with alternative treatments. I tried magnesium oxide and fish oil, but while the first week witnessed some decrease in tics they increased shortly thereafter. After reading of Bontech and its apparent effectiveness, I decided to give it a shot. This is my tenth day of the program - and there was been a significant increase in my tics. While the vocal tics have stayed at the same rate, I have developed pretty severe facial tics. My question is (to anyone with any background knowledge) - is this typical behavior? While I want to believe this is an isolated situation of a couple weeks, I must admit it is pretty discouraging. I was just curious to see if this seems normal to anyone who has either taken Bontech or knows someone who has. Thanks so much for your time and attention! Back to trimming hedges in 95 degree weather...
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