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Thank youllm and mayzoo, she was tested for mono and lymes with the strep all came back negative, but she was tested in December and symptoms started in September. We live in delaware and all knows we have lymes all over and she was bitten twice and I pulled the ticks off pretty quickly one tick which I think was a dog tick did get his head up in her leg though, so that's why I had her tested, I know the only way to really show would be to have the igenx test done, which we will when the funds are available. I also thought of pans as well. And with the z pack she was on she had no very minimal tics if any for two months before and as soon as she ended the z pack the neck tics came back full on, also seems very strange that whens She's sick stomach bug and the flu she has zero tics. Also wanted to add that when the tics started she had cycle vomiting once a month at the same time at night and also complaines of stomach pain every day. I feel so helpless cause no doctors will help me they said its stress. So I have no idea where or who to go to.
Hi everyone, so I've been posting for the last 10 months on the tics and touretts board and decided to come here cause something in my gut as a mommy just still isn't right. So here's my daughters story, back in September she woke up overnight with a head jerking tic and a stomach tic as well with what seemed to be overnight ADHD as well, the week before she had a very bad fall down our stairs. On a Monday then a series of tragic family events as well as started school which brings on a ton of stress. She was complaining of a sore throat so I had my husband take her to the doctors to get it check. He told the doctor about her new tics and ADHD and said not worry also did a strep test and came back negative. Within that week the head tics became so bad I took her back and he sent us to a neuro, they said we have to wait it out. There's also no history of TS or OCD in our families. My daughter in the past 10 months has become a emotional wreak worrying about everything, hating school only wants to stay home and bad separation anxiety ect..... With the tics changing every moth or so. I had the neuro do testing for pandas and her aso tithes came back negative. So I scratched pandas off our list. The ADHD symptoms didn't last long at all maybe two months. She was also very sick in january and February and when she sick she seems to have no tics at all. Also was put on a z pack for a ear infection as soon as she came off the z pack a head jerk started again and the emotions all came back. We're doing all we can as far as supplements, salts baths, we had food sensitivite testing so we have elemeinated it all and nothing is working. I'm sorry this is so long, but wondering if anyone could tell me if maybe it could still be pandas I'm just not sure and very very confused with everything. Thanks for listening, any help and advice would be greatly appreciated.
Yes have introduced supplements very slowly starting with magnesium, then flax seed oil, vitamin c, then b complex. I took her off raw probiotic two weeks ago when she her food sensitivity test came back with strawberry and bananas sensitivity. I'm just now trying to find a good one. And I did take her off salt baths For about two weeks a little while ago. But restarted again. I'm also working with phscolgist because her anxiety is through the roof and they say that could be one of the reasons why she has tics. Not really sure what to believe. Or where to turn.
Chemar, I'm not sure if I'm saying it right aso strep titers. She said it looked like my daughter was never even exposed to strep before cause the numbers were so low.
Yup all strep came back negative, and strangely enough I had her at the doctors the week before cause she was complaining of her throat that's why I had the testing done. And also no both neuros and ped told me that what happened from her fall wouldn't cause the tics. And also because she passed the testing in the neuro office that they wouldn't need to look further into that. Which I don't believe and have asked them repeatedly to do a MRI or something and they said there's no need to put her through that. Very frustrating!!!!!
Hi everyone, So I've written a couple times about my daughter who will be 5. She woke up one day with severe head jerking and a weird stomach tic. She did have a really bad fall down our steps about a week prior. We have no family history of tics or Tourette's. its been 10 months now.Two neuros have looked at her and said we have to wait it out. I did get one to do some blood work to rule out pandas, mono and lymes. All negative. And neither said the tics could be from the fall. So the tics started with head jerking and the stomach tic, then replace it with arm jerking then down the leg with a leg lift every couple steps, all on the right side, and almost always happens in threes, two months in February and March with pretty much nothing, she was sick a lot which when she's sick she seems to have no tics at all. Then all of a sudden back up to the neck with a jerking movement to the right every couple of seconds, now to be replace with a severe eye roll to the right every couple of seconds now the past two days with the eye roll a head tilt with it to the right. I feel like the tics are traveling up and down the right side of her body, but only seems to be one at a time. So my question is where do we go from here??? We currently had food sensitivity testing done with a osteopath and she's having cranial work done and have eliminated all food for two weeks, which she was already dairy and gluten free since the beginning. we are also looking into seasonal allergies, we do supplements, salts baths, all organic, change our environment completely, all natural and green. And nothing seems to be working. I can't seem to find any triggers at all. Besides stress and she's seeing a phsyocoligst for that. I'm torn as I am spending so much money for everything. Should I seek homeopath, neuropath, environmental physicians ect...... I really feel like there's a underlying issue she has gut issues as well, bad stomach pain everyday with cycle vomiting every four weeks at the same time at night, which has gotten a lot better. Should which direction should I go. Which kind of doctor can help me the best. We live in delaware and have easy access to Philly and Baltimore. All suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm so sad and scared to where this is going to turn into. Please help Thanks for listening
Thank you all. We are going to have her started with allergies and food sensitivities next week. Any other advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks Chris for your response. So far she does take Epsom salts baths 3 times a week and takes kids clam with probiotics, flax seed oil, magnesium and a b complex since the very beginning. Not sure if any of it is actually helping. But I still continue to do it. Also one other thing I've noticed that when her tics start up she can't get enough to eat. When usually she's not a big eater at all. I'm so puzzled. Thanks again for your response.
Hi everyone, so this is my second time writing about my daughter. She started having severe head jerking in September 2013, took her to the neurologist and they said she has to have vocals and motor for a year to be diagnosis. The tics were pretty bad ahead jerking then went to her shoulders then to arm flapping and when she would walk every couple of step she would kick her leg back. Also walking down the stairs every couple of steps she would lift her leg up. Everything happens on the right side only, nothing ever on the left. Because there is no family history of TS I thought maybe it was trainsient. So thing started to get better with the tics slowing down in January after she had the stomach bug, then in February and March she was also sick with the flu, when she's sick we see no tics at all. A week ago she had a ear infection and had a z pack, last day of the medicine was Tuesday the tics started Wednesday. Head jerking to the side now, always in threes and the arm flapping is also back, and I'm hearing a low squealing noise and throat clearing. She has been gf/cf no artificial colors or preseveratives, organic, we've done everything, hepa air filters very low sugar organic cleaning products ect......... She is seeing a phscolgist cause when the tics started over night, literally, we had major family deaths and lots of anxiety. Her doctor says the tic are a form of anxiety. Well as of Wednesday I though he was right well now I'm not so sure. So we're heading into the seventh month now and I'm not sure if it could be TS or not. She was also tested for strep and lymes, all negative. And we're having allergy and food testing done in two weeks. I'm sorry this is so long but can anyone help me. Does anyone know why when she's sick her tics disappear. And because she's so young are they going to be terrible when she gets older. I'm a desperate mom needing much answers. Thanks for listening Genevieve
Oh and on more thing I wanted to add was that most places she has the tics her joints are dislodging themselves. For instance when this first happened I took her a chiropractor and he told me her neck was dislodged, also where she has the mouth stretch her jaw dislodges like tmj also her back muscles where her arm tics are now dislodge themselves too.
Yes we are gmo free,organic gluten and dairy free and shop only at whole foods. I've changed all the chemical in my house. And have put two hepa filters in as well. Nothing seems to set her tics that I'm aware off, and let me tell you I'm fully aware of every move she's make. I think the neuro didn't want to do any testing because she had eye blinking I the past, but we thought see just needed glasses. I was thinking of going to get another opion from another neuro cause I felt comply ignored on all my issues. I'm very upset and depressed about all of this happening to my daughter, and out of nowhere. Is it normal for tics to change so often even if it's not touretts?
Thanks for your response. We do the salts bath three times a week and they don't calm down the tics at all but we still keep doing them jut in case. It's interesting because when she lays flat down she has no tics with her arms or head. It's weird even when her head jerks were non stop they would stop when she lays down. Just don't know for sure if this really is TS. Also the movements looks more like spasms than anything else. But also when she walks down the stairs she kicks her leg back. Wondering if maybe it's nerve damage. Would something like that mimick tics. Also the neuro did no testing on her at all to rule out other possibilities. Is that something I should ask for????
Hi everyone. This is my first time posting. My 4 year old has been having tics for 3 straight months non stop. She woke up overnight with really bad head jerking. That's what made us go see the dr. He sent us to a neuro right away at children's hospital in Philadelphia. At the time my daughter started ticking we had a ton of stress on us that happened in all one week. She started school which puts a ton of stress on her. She hates school and throws up everyday, and cries all morning long. My husband had surgery, my mom had a nervous breakdown in front of my daughter and my mother in law got diagnosed with cancer. She also had a terrible fall down our stairs too. Since that week the tics have come on full force. They diagnosed her with a trainsient tics with the possibility of TS. Since then the tics have worked their way down her body. Mouth stretches arm jerking and leg movements. The head jerking is gone though so no one really notices. She did have some blinking before all this started. I changed her diet completely and started supplements. Also no TS in the family history at all!!!!!!!! So my question is could this be touretts or something from the fall or could this be stress related and go away. Also can't find any triggers but stress and non of the diet changes or supplements have made a difference. Sorry this is so long, I would just really love a appreciate some input from others that have been through this.