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  1. Alright I dont want to get on the offense here so listen...Every individual struggle with OCD is unique and of varying degrees. I just thought that I would add my two cents, which is essentially the method that worked for me. Being mindful of how your thoughts arise, what affect they have on you, and keeping track of that can be a great way to reduce anxiety. If I ever feel myself now having an episode of unwanted thoughts and the urge to act compulsively I just step back to the role of self observer. I take a deep breath, consciously tell myself that I am experiencing a medical problem and make a strong effort to move my mind onto the next subject. I wasn't trying to imply that someone who tries hard and still experiences symptoms had a weak mind, in fact I would say that anyone who leads a semi productive life with OCD has an incredibly strong mind. I also do not believe that this way of dealing with the disorder eventually leads to its definite eradication although I can't dismiss this possibility either. But what I can tell you is that putting in the right kind of mental effort not necessarily THE MOST effort but the most effective kind will help you to lead a more functional, healthy, and ultimately more satisfying life. If you have found something better, than more power to you. This is just what has worked for me, and so I figured it may help others as well. OH and I find that comedy is also a great way of dealing. Never be afraid to laugh at yourself. Ciao chemara. All things come to pass. Good luck
  2. Sorry Chemar but I do recognize OCD as a clinical issue. However, I think that YOU would be oversimplifying a complex matter by calling it a "seratonin imbalance." Yes, this is the medical explanation for OCD. But even if you just want to talk about science, there have been various studies in recent history about the relationship between positive thinking and changes in brain chemistry (good news for OCD sufferers!) Some people find that OCD meds cause them nearly the same amount of grief as their disease ever did, and underlying emotional disturbances go untreated. Lots of people smoke pot and yes it relieves anxiety for the time being but it may only make matters worse in the end. Prescription treatments can often adversely affect an already delicate brain chemistry. Yes, some may find that meds help, but I just want EVERY victim of this disease to know that they CAN be strong and WILL overcome. For any illness, hope is the natural and most effective remedy, don't kid yourself.
  3. Buddhist mindfullness. Consciousness. These things do help. Recognizing that the problem lies in your brain, not in WHO YOU ARE as a person sexually or otherwise. We are all completely unique and this stuff we obsess over is bullshit. easy come, easy go, and forget about it (easier said than done, I know, but it is possible and it is the first goal.) Also, we have been presented with an oppertunity to grow. We have the chance now to make choices about how we really want to live our lives, and abandon the rest even if it does pop into our heads every now and again. and another thing, I tend to believe that everyone has a lower and higher self, if you know what i mean. NEVER feed the lower self with self-destructive compulsive behaviours. Deep down you know which thought is your HIGHEST though. Always go with these thoughts and feelings. After all, you only live once and life is amazing when you get it right. Always remember that, and NEVER give up. OCD has a way of making the thoughts seem very real, but if you attach a label of OBSESSIVE THOUGHT aka MEDICAL CONDITION or however you want to look at it (something apart from yourself, even if it is coming from the bowels of your own brain) sooner or later you will be able to cast them away as quick as they pop in and just move your mind onto something better for you and the people you associate with. It takes a strong mind to battle something like this, but after you defeat it which you will, you will be that much stronger. Don't confide in people who have no chance at understanding. Their advice or opinions on the matter may only make it harder for you. Go, Be courageous. Stay Gold!
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