Faith, thank you for replying to my post.Please be patient with me ,I am just learning to post on this site so if I send you something twice I am sorry. Now, as for how lucas is doing,after the meds he is back to his old self.He is never tic free . But he is a happy child.He no longer sleepy and easily upset.We have always home-schooled our children so he has never had to face the issues that some kids do.If he is having a really bad day we take a break and come back later.Somedays he can't concentrate at all.As he gets older and is doing more group things it is starting to bother him more.but since he has always been loved just the way he is ,he doesn't have alot of self-esteem issues YET.I live in a very small town.As a matter of fact his primary doctor told me that other than reading a little about it in medical school she had never really heard of TS.I had to insist on the neurologists visit. By that time I already knew it was probably tourettes.But since that didn't turn out so well I am off on a search for more help.I will start him on the supplements you suggested as soon as I can find them.There is one thing in his past that sticks out in my mind and maybe someone can tell me if it happened to them,He used to get sores in his mouth on his tongue.I took him to several doctors but they all would just say not to worry about it,some kids just get canker sores in there mouth.they were very painful for him.They looked awful and were white to yellow color.They would almost always happen in the fall or winter months.Anyway it may have nothing to do with his TS but I don't want to overlook anything Lisa