My son has been diagnosed with Tourettes since I think he was 7. He started getting tics around 4, but at the time I didn't realize they were tics. He is now 14. I actually thought he outgrew them, but they are back. He goes very long spells with no tics at all and most people don't realize his tics are tics because they are things like throat clearing and coughing. Right now he has a coughing tic and it is honestly driving me crazy. He coughs until midnight or later keeping me up making it hard to sleep. He coughs from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed. He hasn't seen a doctor for his tics in years. He is not interested in taking medication and honestly is still in complete denial they are tics. He argues with me that he is "coughing up snot" and asks me things like "do you think I have allergies". I am sure these are not allergies. He has had motor tics in the past that were very noticable, but hasn't had any ones in a while that are really noticable. (I notice them, but other people wouldn't.) I feel like such a shallow crappy mom to not want to be around him when he starts coughing like that. I usually can cope with it when he has them for short periods of time, but when they go on for months I start melting down and find myself distancing myself emotionally from him. I should also add that he is type 1 diabetic and has a profound learning disability. I can't help but wonder if the tourettes is some how autoimmune related. I just ordered the book Tics and Tourette’s: Breakthrough Discoveries in Natural Treatments. I am hoping it will be useful, but will admit them I am very skeptical. His tics don't seem to bother him and I don't know why I let them bother me, but they do. I am not sure if it is because I am a fixer by nature and this is just something I can't fix. I could really just use some support.