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Clark's Achievements

  1. Thanks for the great info Samsmom. Can you send me more on the Feingold Program. I'd be interested in trying it out. Since school has been out, I think he has had a lot more "junk" food then usual. I'm beginning to wonder if that's the reason for the increase. We'll also try just B6 and cut-off the b-Complex for awhile. Thanks again for everyones help. I'll let you know how our Progress goes. ***** Forgot to mention that we stopped Sam's B complex when we tried it over a year ago as I sensed that it was making things worse - can't really explain why, just a mother's instinct.. He now just takes B6. Also, I would really encourage you to cut out the artificial additives - you're right that it's overwhelming to start with, but Sam's overall behavior seemed so much better after we did it, and he generally has fewer motor tics than he used to. I attribute this to his little body just having less to deal with. I also didn't know where to start with it, so I enrolled in the Feingold program. It only costs around $70, I think. I just sat down and spent a few evenings going thru their booklet which lists all the OK items, and planned a week's meals. Then I went to Whole Foods with their booklet and spent about 2 hours there finding everything. It was really time consuming and also expensive, but now it's just become routine and I would never go back to what I used to buy. It was 100% worth all the effort. It will become a lifestyle change for you after a few weeks. When Sam goes to other people's houses, I always give them a heads up about mealtimes and if he's going on a playdate I send him with food that's ok for him like the Annie's mac n cheese. I like to think that I'm also helping to convert other families to organic, 'clean' foods! And I was definitely a convenience shopper before all of this so if I can make the change, anyone can! S
  2. We haven't tried Taurine or L carnitine or acetyl l-carnitine although I have seen postings on the Subject. As Faith posted, is there any difference or does anyon have experience with it? I guess he is doing well on B-complex. If we wanted to try and break-out the B's, what should we look for or try first in a vitamin. Also, we haven't tried reduction of the artificial Additives as it seems a little overwhelming on where to even start as everything seems to have them. We did have him on the fish Oil but it didn't seem to affect his tics either way. He does take a Multi-vitamin which I'm sure has artificial additives to it. I'm looking for the ones that you noted Chemar. He started the uh, uh, uh and clearing the throat and "stuttering" when we first noticed the tics (around 7 yrs old). However, lately (last 3 months or so) the Vocal has become the most noticable of all. It was always present as a secondary to his arm and facial movements but they have now seemed to subside. I guess we really haven't done much more as we're not really sure where to go next. Thanks a bunch for all the help as usual. ***** Hi Clark Do you give taurine? Taurine and magenesium seem to work very well together overall re tics some folks find L carnitine helpful, tho some get edgy on it I am assuming your child has always done ok on B complex? I ask because some people do not tolerate B complex well and need their Bs separately Also be sure to check diet for any artificial additives. My son has always reacted to artificial additives with more VOCAL tics
  3. Hello all. We have been reading the forum for awhile now and the information is really helpful - thanks to all. Our son has been doing better and we have been able to reduce his tics considerably. In the past 3 months or so we have noticed his vocal tics getting worse. He has now started to stutter and say uh, uh, uh or clear his throat a lot while trying to start to say something. Typically it's when he is excited and wants to tell us about something. He just turned 11 and we know that hormones may be kicking in as well as he seems to be a little edgy and short tempered lately. He is taking Natural Calm + Calium 2x a day and B-complex once a day (both at recommended doses). Does anyone have some thoughts on what we might try to help reduce the vocal tics? Sometimes it will continue for several seconds and we know it frustrates him although he is in very good spirits about it and says it doesn't bother him. Thanks for any info in advance. -Brian
  4. Kitty - Great to hear your son is doing better. After finding this forum we tried Natural Calm plus Calcium (recommended dosage every morning and Epsom Salt baths (every night) and it really help our son (10 yrs old). After more research (on this forum), we started having him take Childrens DHA 250mg by Nordic Naturals (chewable soft gels at recommended dosage) and a B-Complex Chewable, High potency stress formula by Solaray. We have been able to reduce the Epsom Salt baths to every other night. He now only has very minor facial and vocal Tics and says he is able to control all Tics when in school. We do notice they seem to be a little more noticable (in the form of stuttering) after he comes home from school. Hoep this is helpful to you. Try and stay patient and calm.
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