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  1. hello! Our dd9 (pandas) had strep A in throat culture again. Culture taken 7 weeks ago. 3 weeks ago (!) we heard the result. Doctor finally said he is going to use AB profylaxe (like in Rheumatic Fever he said). He gave her 1 time a day 250 mg broxil. She weighs about 63p (28 kilo). Questions: 1) Should we not first threat the strep A and THAN go to profylaxe? 2) What is a normal dose to threat the active strep? 3) What is a normal dose for AB profylaxe? We live in a country without pandas-doctors. So we need to help our doctor.... Thank you! Patricia
  2. Our dd9 had 1 HD Ivig and on the 3rd day she had this. She had 3 times low dose (0.4 gram / kilo) and she had the bad reaction again 2 times. 1 time she had steroids with the IVIG and no reaction. She had 1 time low dose (0.8 gram / kilo) and this time we wanted her to get extra fluids (NaCl) and this time NO reaction!! So for us the deal is: at least (!) extra fluids!
  3. Our dd9 had impetigo around her mouth about 10 times last year! They say she has staphylococ A in her nose and since we put bactroban (an AB) IN her nose, she is symptom free (eh...I mean: no impetigo any more). If she forgets it 1 day, it'll be back in a sec. So for us the deal is: stop the staphylococ!
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