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  1. I don't even know where to start. My 9 year old son has had OCD sexual thoughts that started this past summer but would make him uncomfortable that he thought something like that. Therapist said it was part of OCD. He also was having very bad separation anxiety.On july 2nd we put him on zoloft... It made him very uninhibited, noncaring, hyper, we stopped it July 28th. Keep in mind he had a soar throat on June 18th tested for strep but came up negative. He calmed a little after stopping zoloft but still had impulse control issues and the Zoloft seemed to make his OCD so much worse/not sure OCD was worse cause Zoloft or maybe pandas? Two weeks ago we started Anafranil cause the ocd made him almost nonfunctional as well as extreme separation anxiety at school. His impulse control issues are very disturbing. He tries to grab and touch my husband and I. He tries to grab our boobs and private areas and is hyper bouncing off the walls, thinks its funny that we don't like it and no matter what we do he seems to not be able to control himself. We have taken away everything tv video games you name it it's gone! This is a boy who use to be a rule follower and had the biggest guilt if he did anything wrong. He also seems more aggressive with friends. Playing sports he is over the top, taunting his friends and it's just a game in front of our house with the neighbors. He hit an older kid in the stomach with the ball and the kid left. My son was never this way. He told me the other day at school he had an urge to push a kid hard for no reason but he didn't act on it. Can the Anafranil be making these urges/sexual things/defiant behavior worse? It seems that it's helping the OCD a little and the separation anxiety but all this other stuff is getting worse. My question is does any of this sound like pandas? Sometimes I think it does and other times I don't. He also can't focus like he use to. School use to be easy now it's harder cause OCD gets in the way, he also seems to be not remembering things and just seems fuzzy and not focused. It seems like our son's personality is so different than before. I miss my sweet boy. Also can Anafranil cause some of this or make it worse? He was not like this before the Zoloft/July or could Pandas do this to him? He is just not our normal son. These sexual impulses/aggressive/non listening/ADHD behaviors have gotten so much worse! Almost unmanageable. Anyone have any experience or advice? My husband and I don't know what to do. We go tomorrow to the psychiatrist. Sorry this is soooo long!
  2. Thank you everyone for your responses. I also made a mistake on his meds. He is on Anafranil for his OCD. (I wrote Abilify for some reason) Also the doctor has him on a 14 day course of antibiotics. Is that long enough? I read the post that said I should try to get the Dr. to write it for 30 days but I don't think he will do that.
  3. My son is 8 and had a little OCD and separation anxiety prior to a severe onset that came this past July. My question is how fast does the OCD or anxiety need to start to be considered PANS or Pandas? He had a soar throat on June 18 th did not show on rapid strep test so was not given any meds. Two things happened in July: we started him on Zoloft to take the edge off to do ERP therapy (I only wish his OCD was back to the level it was in May when we started ERP) At first it seemed that the Zoloft was helping his anxiety a little but at the same time his OCD got soooo much worse, he became very uninhibited, hyperactive(felt like he was ADHD on steroids). Wouldn't listen, unfocused... So after 4 weeks the doctor stopped the Zoloft. His hyperness went down a little but he has never been the same since then. He has extreme separation anxiety especially with school starting. He crys everyday and fights to not go to school cause his OCD and anxiety is so high. We have to give him Ativan to get him to school. Then at home he is defiant does inappropriate things ( again ADHD like). School work always came easy now it's a struggle cause OCD gets in the way and he has trouble focussing. Last week we had the strep Titers blood tests done but didn't show anything overly high. I feel like he had all the symptoms of pandas but can't verify the strep part and not sure how fast the OCD needs to come on to be considered "fast onset" Should I go to a pediatric neurologist? Our new psychiatrist just started him on Abilify for OCD and augmentin. He said lets try the antibiotic to see what happens cause his symptoms look so much like pandas. Anyone know of a pediatric neurologist in the Los Angeles, california area that has experience with pandas? We are exhausted and my poor son so wants to feel normal again! Any help is appreciated. Thanks, Beth
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