My 7-year old daughter was diagnosed one year ago with Tourette's, OCD and ADHD. I'm hoping that this is a place where I can be completely and unashamedly honest because this is a difficult process to go through. Tess has vocal tics - most recently a cough. Her most troublesome symptoms, however, are the OCD - which I sometimes confuse with a tic, and her anger management. We are new to this and she is currently on three different medications. I am concerned about the meds she is on but am also concerned about how I am handling it all. I seem to have a total lack of consistency in disciplining, an amazing sense of doom, and the sometimes urgent need for a glass of wine. Tess is absolutely beautiful, bright, vibrant, loud sweet, and manipulative. There are times when I can't wait to see her after school, and other times........
Tess' first symptom was echolalia and palilalia - the repetition of her own and other people's words. When we first tried to explain Tourettes and tics to her she asked, "What is my tic? my tic? my tic?" Now she knows what a tic is but sometimes uses her condition to get what she wants, as in telling her brother, "I have to have the remote control and the couch to myself - it's my Tourettes!"
We recently saw her psychiatrist - I use the term loosely with this particular doctor - and decided that he may not be the best person for the job. However, all of the doctors in our area who are familiar with Tourette's and OCD, are not currently taking any new patients. Does anyone have any suggestions? Do we really need to have her on Risperidone? Can you recommend a good Chardonnay?