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trintiybella last won the day on December 31 2014

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  1. You'd written a few years ago that your daughter was just getting a SPECT scan. Did you find the SPECT results useful, either for treatment or to get approval for therapy from insurance? We're trying to decide between subjecting my son to the stress of a SPECT vs. trying to get into Chugani's clinic for his special PET scan for PANS kids, so if you know anything about that, I'd appreciate that info as well.

  2. Oh boy, can I relate. My daughter couldn't stop staring at computer. It's still bad but I can get her out of house now. I started to treat her, using Dr. Yaskos protocol. It's over Internet and email. So far she has been fabulous! Would you like to PM me?
  3. The above was "present" on my sisters Western Blot test. What does this mean? Also, can you explain the reasons that she should be doing the Igenix text instead. I can't remember what to tell her :0( She has so many symptoms of Lyme disease and I really wish she would get help. Thanks.
  4. Have you heard that H. Pylori can cause racing thoughts and OCD in a child? or other psych. symptoms?
  5. Was anyone diagnosed with this?
  6. Hi Philamom I was just diagnosed with hyperthyroidism—I am not sure it the lyme disease caused it or not—I am also not sure what type treatment I am going to do. Any advice? Thanks!
  7. Thanks. Did you do the iodine test on your skin yet? Also, I looked at NES brand thermometers. There are quite a few. Which one did you get? Have you tried it yet?
  8. Can you recommend a thermometer. I want to start taking my temperature in the morning to gather some information on my thyroid. I despise those digital types. Is there one that is similar to the old mercury ones without the mercury? Thanks
  9. Can you recommend a thermometer. I want to start taking my temperature in the morning to gather some information on my thyroid. I despise those digital types. Is there one that is similar to the old mercury ones without the mercury? Thanks
  10. A couple of years ago, I had a lump on the front of my neck. I went to endocrinoligist and had ultrasound and bloodworm. The doc said it was a multi nodular goiter. He wanted me to follow up with blood work and and another ultrasound which I never did. :0( The other day I went to the doctor for a tic bite and he did blood work. It showed that my TSH was low and my Thyroglobulin Antibody was high, and said i need to go back to endo. Now I am really Nervous that I let this lump go. Anyone ever deal with anything like this? Thanks
  11. I had a tick stuck in me for over a week. I though it was a mole, but my husband proved me wrong last night. Looks like a female deer tick to me. Is there any way to post a picture to see if you agree? Also, is it correct that not all deer ticks carry lyme disease? Should I not worry? Does not look like a bulls eye rash.
  12. every time i give probiotics my daughters tongue turns orange.
  13. So sorry. Forgot to list supplements!! I'm not looking for you to tell me what to reduce or remove. I'm wanting to decrease the amiount of times that I give Supplements. I am constantly stuffing pills in her mouth and she has really had it! Four times a day is more reasonable if poss. 9am Florastore Lactobacillus Lysine Vitamin C GABA Biotin 11AM Vitamin A Ora Kidney GSE 1PM 1 Drop Cytokines 4PM Lysine GSE Biotin 6PM Florastore Lactobacillus Suprema Dophilus Olive Leaf Extract 8PM Charcoal 10PM Lysine Ora Kidney Zinc GSE Mag. Citrate GABA Thanks for any advice you have.
  14. Hi, Can anyone look at my list of supplements and tell me if there is away to reduce the times of day that I give the supplements to my daughter? She is starting to really put up a fight with taking all of this. Thanks so much for the help.
  15. That sounds awesome. I am on the East Coast too, but I would consider traveling!
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