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  1. So to be diagnosed with PANDAS does your child have to have both OCD and Tics? My child has a motor tic that comes and goes. It has been gone for as long as 6 months before. It gets much worse with an active case of strep throat. After treating him with amox. he is now 95% better. Tonsils are gone due to constant strep throat they were removed almost two years ago. He still gets strep throat but not as much and not nearly as bad. I have noticed when he is under stress he will tic but usually that is following strep throat. I can't remember what came first the tic or strep throat but i know the onset of it was nearly the same time. He is almost 8 years old, growing like a week......no OCD, No ADHD, just a very sensitive/nervous child but is doing great in 2nd grade and is quite the soccer athlete. I haven't been on here in a long time cause well we have been tic free for a very long time until about two weeks ago when he came down with strep throat (HERE WE GO AGAIN!). Looking forward to finding out more info to help me figure out what the next step is!. ps. he had his titers checked one time a long time ago and they were very low but i think this was after his tonsils were removed. do you have to have high titers to have PANDAS or if your child meets most of the criteria is that enough of a diagnosis for PANDAS?
  2. Thanks for the replies, I'm glad you all were honest with me. I had that feeling that it was probably a waste of money and time.
  3. Do the tics have to be present constantly for one year before TS is diagnosed, I mean can they have a long break in between tics. My son went over 6 months with his motor tic gone and now it's back. What is the guide line?. By the way he is 7 years old, in good health, growing nicely, has an identical twin brother. Thanks for all of your help :-) Melody ps. I forgot to add that he doesn't have a vocal tic his is just a motor tic that involves his neck and head, he does this jerky motion with his neck.
  4. My Mom sent me this website and I wanted to see if any of you have any input about this book, sounds too good to be true but I didn't want to close the door on it either. Thanks for your help http://facialtics.org/form.html?gclid=CLf7...CFSLiYAodCB9LNg
  5. Well my 7 year old son started having a motor tic about 9-10 months ago, he ticked (not sure if that's how you spell it) really bad for several months. His tic is a head and neck jerk. Anyway after those few months it was completely gone. I was so excited and relieved. We had seen several doctors, had all kinds of blood tests done, had an MRI all to find everything was normal. So anyway all of the sudden tonight he was playing video games with his dad and I walked in the room to see him having his tic, over and over again. My heart stopped for a second, I thought I was going to be sick!. I thought this was behind us. I really don't want to bring any attention to him doing it cause I can tell he was watching me to see if I was watching him. He hates doctors so I think now that his tic is back he might be afraid I'm going to take him to the doctor (that's what happened last time). The poor kid was a nervous wreck for months and months. Anyway he has no vocal tic at this point. So my question is does he have TS?. Thanks, Mel
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