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Everything posted by shaunms

  1. Hi Everyone I came across this forum while trying to do some research on my 6 year old sons recent wildly shaking of head and eye rolling behavior. Please watch a short clip I took of him yesterday and please give me your opinion on what you see or if you have ever seen something like this before. [substitute "XX" for "tt"] hXXp://youtu.be/2rwTt4iyJS4 I'm really not sure if it is a tic or really what is going on here. He is shaking his head a lot less compared to two weeks ago which cannot be seen in the clip but his sister has confirmed to me that she is still seeing him do it at school. In class he is constantly nodding his head and rolling his eyes, more than in the clip, about once every 10 to 15 seconds. We have asked him why he is doing it and he tells us that there is this feeling in his head and when he nods and rolls his eyes it helps him feel better, We have had his eyes tested which have come back with good results. We have taken him to the GP who has referred us to a paediatrician but they can only see us in 2 months which is going to be a very long wait. My wife and I are really taking some strain with what has suddenly started with him and she seems convinced his personality has changed a bit over the last couple of weeks to. He used to be an exceptionally good boy but of late he is not listening, struggling to sit still, has had a few tantrums when he could not make his bed and he seems to have developed some friendship difficulties at schoolto. On top of that he seems to be a very obsessive boy getting some thoughts in his head and not letting go. first it was Star Wars and now Ninjago, he seems to just always want to talk about it but it does not really go much further than that. Now I'm not sure if this could be part of it or just somethings some 6 year old boys do. He also has a number of Café au lait spots on his body and we have had him checked out a few years ago and we have been told that Neurofibromatosis is very unlikely but I'm not sure if all these things are related. I'm at a loss of what to do and would really like to hear from someone who has seen this before and to advice me as best they can. Thanks you so much in advance.
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