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  1. One question for Igg subclass 4 ;1400 is a very high according to your peds????
  2. Thanx tpotter, In fact my ped told me it is related to his high level of IGe but didn't give.any further explanation.my son is allergic to dustmites.
  3. My Ds 9,has IGg subclass 4 : 1490(max was 900 according the lab but in the wikipedia is given 1300.).We dont know if this is an immune disorder ?!?!?
  4. Hi Ctoation mum. Wishing you a fast improvement of your son's tics,I want to mention once more the great effects of iperico on my son's tics.He is on b.penicillin benzatinica and never tried Ssri treatment.these pills have worked with him and I have seen no side effects .It was prescribed by a neurologist as a tranquiliser. Good luck!
  5. For the abnormal eeg the neurilogist prescribed depakin chrono.I never gave it to my son because the diagnose never convinced me,epilepsy.
  6. MyDS 9 has an abnormal Eeg .but MRI was ok. It was abnormal since 5years old when we did Eeg for the first time. Reason of doing eeg was problems in speaking ,which lasted for two weeks and then vanished. I belive that was the first symptom of pamdas.Two years later he was diagnosed with pandas. For the problems in Eeg gavr depakin chrono,which I never gave to my son.
  7. Ssri and iperico increase the level of serotonin thats why they are not taken together.The advantage of iperico is that'natural and I have never observed any side effects.Actually my son is on abx profilaxy(benzil penicillina benzatinica -injection every 21 days and vit c.
  8. Its a pill and he takes just one in the morning before breakfast.
  9. Hello everyone I wanted to share with you the effectiveness of iperico with tics.It is a natural antidepresant.This is how its called in Italy. It has always workedwith my son aged 9to wipe tics out. I have observed that when he is still sick with flu,cough or even diarrhea it doesn't work,but when overcomes his illness it helps a lot with anxiety ,ocds ,mood and og course tics. He is happy and so normal now Sorry for lousy English, i did my best.
  10. Sorry for all those typos! Smartphone's!!!
  11. I have read an article about probitics ,some childen got worse after using probiotics which containedstrep. Thermofilus(not certain if its spelled ok) a substance which helps the intestines and frequently added to youghurts. www.pandasitalia.com it was in italian but you can use google translator.
  12. Thanx Breesknees !I will try contacting both of them .
  13. Hello everyone Having a kid with pandas is difficult dealing with but living in a country where docs never heard of it is horrible.i live in albania and from two years my son has been manifesting lots of symptoms that lead to pandas/pans.He is on benzil penicillin benzatinic(injection done every 21 days) from a year now.sometimes he is great and some not. I have read loads of useful information in this forum thats why I want your advices concerning ivig. I would be grateful if you answer. May I buy ivig online and is it safe? Does it need any special delivey? which is the best compamy producing it? Do you do abx before it and after it? Thanx
  14. His ped because as mentioned before he is allergic to dust mites as well....whenever he is in an asthma attack his tics and mood flares too, his ped prescribed prednisolon as a first aid to asthma but we obseveda ramp down if tics .
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