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  1. i just started out with 200 calcium and 100 mag. I will increase in a week I guess.
  2. Thanks! I am going to look into that today!
  3. I agree, I absolutely plan to use a healthcare professional for this. We live in a very remote area and to leave we need to take 2 ferry's (approx 5hrs) to get to Vancouver, BC. So in the meantime I just wanted to start him on the magnesium. The pharmacist here was clueless on this matter so my son has an appt with our GP next week to see what we can do about finding a more suitable dr or healthcare professional to help us with this. I realize this is too important for me to take on alone, thats why I am so grateful for your help.
  4. I see! It sure can be confusing. I hope the calcium will get us on a better start here. Thanks so much for your quick replies. This is, as I am sure you know, so difficult to do on your own.
  5. No! I am confused on that cause it is stated as one on the antogonists.. But I did read that today on here so i was planning on starting him on the calcium tonight when he gets his magnesium.
  6. I'm concerned about magnesium antagonists in my sons multivitamin. Does anyone know at what amounts some vit/mins become antagonists?? I do have a list of the antagonists. Or maybe there is a link somewhere that lists this. Thanks! Deana PS: My son has been on just 100mg of mag for 3 days and the ticks have subsided some (at first approx 70%, now just 10 to 15% the last few days) but he seems to be very hyper. This is not in his personality normally. I haven't found any research proving this to be a side effect of mag. Just the opposite actually. Wonder if this has been the case for anyone here.
  7. Thank you so much for all your replies. Its great to find a network like this. I have been researching non-stop for the last week and have decided to start with supplementing my son with magnesium. After reading on the correlation between low magnesium levels and tics i figured this would be the easiest starting point. 3 hrs after my son took his first dose his tics have lessened by about 70%. Of course this could just be a fluke but I am hopefull. I've read so many case studies on this being the culprit for SOME TS kids. I will see how it goes and if its not helpful I will then turn to the additives as he seems to have some stomach sensitivities to MSG and dairy. (Like me) I am so appreciative that you all took time out of your day to help me out. ~Deana~
  8. Hello, this is my first post on this board. I have 3 children. My eldest is 8 and has had tics on and off for about 2 years. Mainly motor but just recently he has started repeating the word "ok" after he says it. The ped. says its "chronic motor tics" and may or may not go away. This is not good enough for me so I purchase the "Tics and Tourettes" book. I am intersted on starting him on an elimination diet. We live in a remote area with no acess to an environmental physician or naturopath. Anyone else done this and if so do you have any advise? I am so intrigued by the connection of tics and allergies. Of course the ped didn't mention this as a possible cause. Thanks so much for anyones adivise. Glad to have found this board.
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