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  1. Judy - I am not sure if she is aware that she is making any noise. I haven't said anything to her. My husband doesn't even notice it! But, she is definitely making a vocal gasp-type sound. Unfortunately, my eyes and ears are always wide open and I don't miss much Sams mom- thanks for the L-Carnitine info. I am going to watch her for awhile yet, but might end up giving it a try. I would be interested to know if he experienced an increase in the tics as Faith has asked.
  2. Hi! I believe my daughter has a vocal tic. It is almost like a gasping noise. Are there any supplements that help more specifically with the vocal tics? She has had motor tics on and off for almost 2 years. But, now they have seem to have subsided. Thanks!
  3. She is taking calcium/mag citrate (2:1), so I think the ratio is appropriate. Should I switch to one of the magnesiums you mentioned, or is the citrate ok? We are not sure if our daughter officially has TS. She has had different tics on/off for the last year. They have been primarily motor tics. She maybe had a slight vocal tic 6 months ago for about 2 weeks, it was hard to tell for sure. Thanks for the info. Amy
  4. HI, About 2 weeks ago I started giving my daughter magnesium/calcium supplements in addition to epsom salt baths. In the last few days her tics have increased. Could this be caused by the magnesium? I don't know if I should stop giving this to her, or just wait and see. I read magnesium can cause some bowel problems, does it have any other side effects? Any advice? Thanks. Amy
  5. Hi, I have been trying to find the correct magnesium/calcium supplement for my 6 year old daughter and can't seem to find one. From reading this board, I understand to avoid the mag. oxide, but that seems to be all I can find. Does anyone have a suggestion on which brand to purchase? Also, should zinc be included in the supplement? Thanks. Amy
  6. Thank you for your help and quick replies! Amy
  7. Thanks for the info. Do you know what the proper dosage would be for her? ( 6 years old/50 lbs)
  8. Hi, I have been reading this forum for a while and am glad I found it. I have a question about magnesium supplements. I started giving our daughter epsom salt baths and it does seem to reduce her tics. Is there a magnesium supplement she could take instead of the epsom salt baths? She is starting to prefer showers more now instead of the bath. She is almost 6 years old and about 50lbs. Thanks for your help. I really appreciate reading everyone's input on this site. Amy
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