We have a dd8 who has PANDAS with restless leg syndrome. She is doing better thanks to abx. I am writing about her little brother, ds4 whose behavior has drastically changed in last few months. In September he had a terrible sounding cough, during which he became extremely irritable and aggressive. He would attack us and hide in dark places where he would stay for a long while. By the end of September, we got him on a gluten free diet (his father has Celiac) and on Penicillin, 250mg x2. Slowly, during October his situation improved. Gradually, he became no longer extremely irritable and aggressive, but neither one went away completely.
Two days ago, after 30 days, we stopped abx. These were as bad two days as we know with him.
We did a blood test back in September, checking for ASO, DNase, ANA, and so on, before we put him on abx and all results were fine.
He is worst in the morning and around dinner-time and his mood and behavior can turn on a dime. We have no bi-polar disorder in the family but do have auto-immune stuff.
After reading Explosive Child which was recommended here, we tried some of the strategies and had some results. But, he does not fit this category 100%. He seems to be seeking your “no” and doing everything in his power to get it.
As far as we know, he has no history of strep. He was bitten by a tick but no lymes.
We are not sure what direction to take with him? Any thoughts?