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  1. I used it with my dd for awhile and while it didn't help the tics it did improve her mood a tad. We stopped using it over the winter when she was in a better state mood wise. Now that spring has sprung her mood/behavior has flopped so I need to try it again. She didn't have any side effects from it.
  2. Thanks Chemar, I went to the site but couldn't find them anywhere. I did say the site was under construction, so maybe I'm looking in the wrong place.
  3. A friend's son has canker sores and gets them fairly often so I mentioned the recent post on here about it and she'd like to try the canker melts. Do you have a site where these can be ordered at? Thanks
  4. Yummy! Sounds good! Keep them coming! I love trying recipes that someone has already taste tested. Several I've tried off the internet the dog wouldn't even touch
  5. We have an appointment with a dr on Nov 8th. She was listed on the environmental and DAN lists, she's 4hrs away but worth it if we can get some help for dd. Anyway she wants to do skin test for histimine. What exactly is this and how is it done and what will it show? Thanks to this site I have taken lots of notes to discuss with the dr., no more going in and saying "help, what can we do" and getting no help. I really appreciate everyone sharing whats helped or hasn't helped, it is so much better going in to the dr armed with info instead of blindly trusting what a dr says. Thanks, Lisa
  6. Just my opinion but I think the rages are linked to the other things going on with the person that has TS, like candida and food allergies and probably not the TS itself. Atleast thats what I'm hoping with my dd!
  7. We did the spit test and dd's had the strings immediately, I also did other dd and I and we had it too but it took longer to see the strings than hers did. I wasn't surprised I've always wondered if this might be a problem. But now what? I've seen several things people have mentioned, Candida Clear by Now, Threelac, ect. I plan on trying to get the Yeast Syndrome book mentioned, probiotics. Diet of course, we already avoid sugar because dd has problems with hypoglycemia but the yeast breads will be harder to cut out. So....tell me what you've successfully used and done! Also has anyone gotten rid of yeast and saw improvments in bad behaviors? My dd is so hard to live with, tics I can handle this I can't. We used to be able to control her behaviors with diet and supplements but are at a point where it isn't working anymore. So I'm wondering if we clear up the yeast maybe the diet and vits would help again.
  8. Just wanted to say Hi! I saw your post and noticed you live not to far from us (Conroe). I have a 9yo dd with TS. Hope you'll enjoy it here, I just recently joined and have really enjoyed all the info here.
  9. They have quite a few gfcf diet books at our library. It looks like ones geared toward kids are the easiest, they don't put alot of the extras in the recipes. One I picked up was Feeding your allergic child by Elise Meyer and it had some really easy recipes to get you started. Its not for just gfcf though it leaves out the corn and eggs also. I too have a dd with rage attacks so I know what you mean about trying anything. We are going to try the elimination diet to see if that gives us any clues but its so totally different than the way I cook, we eat lots of everything they eliminate. Good Luck
  10. Thank you Chemar, I'll look into the L-carnitine and try out the other technique. I'd read that the Coprolalia was pretty uncommon so I thought we wouldn't have to worry about this and now here we are. We are really involved in Church and our homeschool group so I worry about people reactions. Thanks
  11. Is there anything specific that you have used that has helped vocal tics? I know everyone is different and what works for one might not help another. My dd's latest vocal tic is an inappropriate word so I'd really like to try some things to calm it down, my 20mth old is hearing this and trying to repeat it. Her seasonal allergies are bad right now so I'm sure that has something to do with it. Any suggestions I'd really appreciate. I've really been enjoying all the info here, I've pretty much camped out here the last few days reading and taking notes. Thanks, Lisa
  12. HI! I'm so excited to find this site. I have a 9yo dd with TS and other behavioral issues. We haven't had her "officially" diagnosed but our reg. dr agrees with us on it. She's had vocal and motor tics for about 3yrs but we've only known about TS for about a year now. We just always thought she was a little strange.LOL Wed get on to her about things she was doing or saying and she'd say I can't its a habit. I feel horrible now knowing she really couldn't stop. We did have her evaluated by a psy. and they said she has ODD and intermittent explosive disorder and we tried meds but they made her gain weight and act worse and he just kept wanting to try more drugs, so we stopped it and started her on a sugar free/whole foods diet and she was a different child. Thats when we noticed the tics though, she may have had them all along but we were only focused on behavior and didn't know what we were looking for. Anyway, her vocal tics have gotten really bad lately so I've been desperately looking for ways to help her naturally and stumbled upon this site. I've found so many things I've suspected with her mentioned over and over here, heavy metals (we have a family history of problems with this), allergies (it gets worse at certain times of the year), the dairy/wheat, and tv watching (she tics worse while watching tv). Thank You, Thank You, Thank You!! We don't have insurance and can't really afford testing at this time but you've given me some things to start with and more things to research and try. For once I feel like there is hope that we can help her without the side effects of the drugs. Lisa
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