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  1. What type of doctor do you see to confirm/rule out PANDAS? We live in Georgia and I cant find any information online regarding doctors. Thanks!
  2. Thank you guys so much. I'm off to research!
  3. She is 9 now. Her strep throat occurences were when she was around 5ish. She would get strep, we would treat it with antibiotics and sometimes a week later she would have strep again. Some of her occurences were mild, fever and sore throat, and some of the occurences were pretty bad with fever, sore throat, rash, etc. I dont recall exactly the number of times she had strep but it was probably in the range of 5-10 before it was determined to have her tonsils out. Since then there have been no occurences of strep. Her tics began probably around the age of 6-7 along with her OCD and anxiety. I never looked more into it until recently when her tics became eye tics and a throat tic. Thinking something was wrong with her eyes I took her to see an eye doctor. There I learned her vision was perfectly fine. I then started researching eye tics and that led me to the neurologist just this week. How do you get tested for PANDAS? We live in Georgia, where do I find such?
  4. My 9 year old daughter was just diagnosed with mild Tourettes. Currently the tics she is having is an eye blinking and throat tic. I posted for some help/answers, etc on the TC/OCD board and was told to come here for more answers. It seems that TS/OCD can be linked to strep throat. When my daughter was 5 she had her tonsils and adenoids removed because of chronic strep throat occurences. These occurences probably were over a period of 6 months to a year, some severe, some mild. What is the link between the two? What about strep throat can cause TS/OCD? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Katie
  5. Are you referring to strep as in strep throat? She had chronic reoccurences of this in the past and has had her tonsils and adenoids taken out and has been strep free for a while now.
  6. My 9 year old daughter was diagnosed today with having a mild form of tourettes. She has eye blinking ticks as well as a throat clearing tic at this time. Her ticks have changed over time. The Dr suggested a low dose of medicine to help but I am not wanting to go this route. I have been doing research today but there is so much to take in. I am looking for some natural remedies for controlling her ticks as well as something to help with her OCD. Any help or points in the right direction would be great. Thank you!
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