She is 9 now. Her strep throat occurences were when she was around 5ish. She would get strep, we would treat it with antibiotics and sometimes a week later she would have strep again. Some of her occurences were mild, fever and sore throat, and some of the occurences were pretty bad with fever, sore throat, rash, etc. I dont recall exactly the number of times she had strep but it was probably in the range of 5-10 before it was determined to have her tonsils out. Since then there have been no occurences of strep. Her tics began probably around the age of 6-7 along with her OCD and anxiety. I never looked more into it until recently when her tics became eye tics and a throat tic. Thinking something was wrong with her eyes I took her to see an eye doctor. There I learned her vision was perfectly fine. I then started researching eye tics and that led me to the neurologist just this week. How do you get tested for PANDAS? We live in Georgia, where do I find such?