the solution to ocd is very simple, but hard to do, well its not that hard to do, it is do able. STOP DOING WHAT EVER MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER. What ever makes you feel releieved and good, stop doing it. That is the thing which is ruining your life. To be honest i didnt even bother reading any of the posts because as far as ocd goes its the same cure. What ever your sympton you will feel uncomfortable feelings, what youve got to do is sit with the discomfort if it says your contaminated and you need to do this. Just sit there and listen to the ocd telling you youve been contaminated and feel the horrible feelings. Instead of getting rid of the fear by doing compulsions or sitting there trying to convince yourself the thought s are not true. Just sit with the intrusive thoughts. Let them tell you you are comtaminated, when the uncomfortable feelings get really bad ASK FOR MORE. Say i can take these feelings all day these are nothing feel the horrible dread and disturbing feelings and just sit with them. Then and only then will they subside gradually each time the feelings arise they will be less painful and it wil get a lot easier to do this process untill they gradually disintegrate into nothing. And it wont be that gradual things start to get better quite fast.
The most important thing to remember is this STOP TRYING TO ACHEIVE THAT RELEIVED AND PEACEFUL FEELING. You know the one when youve done your compulsions or when you are fully convinced that your worries are not true. I know from myself that this feeling FEELS BRILLIANT.
But it is the thing that is ruining your life.
All ocd is is these EXTREMELY UNCOMFORTABLE FEELINGS. But that is all they are HORRIBLE FEELINGS. WHen that voice in your head says THERE REAL, FOR YOU THEY ARE REAL. Sit with the feelings feel the horrible feelings inside yourself. DONT TRY AND CONVINCE YOURSELF THEY ARE NOT REAL. Just let them tell you what ever they want. Let them make you feel as bad as they want. Dont look for a way out to feel relieved.
Just allow yourself to be filled with dread and fear. Allow the horrible feelings to stay aslong as they want. MAKE NO ATTEMPT TO RELIEVE YOURSELF FROM THEM.
Ok so ive probably just repeated the same thing again and again. Im not sure if i have because im not going to bother reading what ive written because im too tired and conat be bothered. But i hope i have got my point across very clearly. Because i have given the solution to your problem if you have ocd.
In doing what ive said the painful feelings will go away. At first the feelings will return regurlary and catch you in your weacker moments, just go through the whole process of just sitting with and feeling the uncomfortable feelings again. The gaps between when the feelings return will increase.
Until they stop coming altogether as they have to power over you, as you will become desensitized to the uncomofortable feelings your obsesive thoughts give you.
They will however probably return in the future. ie. In a few months or weeks and you will then just go through the same process until they go.
If there is anything anyone dosent understand then just ask and i will reply.
can people post this on any other websites they are memebers of to do with ocd. unfortunatly i probably wont end up replying to any of their questions.