Thank you to everyone. All your posts have helped me, now I am going to try and use the information to help my son.
I still wish every day that a doctor is going to say, Oh, that's not ics, that's Blah blah, and we happen to have a cure for that. But I guess that's just something I have to deal with.
My son's tic has ben present for a little over 1 1/2 years. It has always been the same. I read a lot of tics change, but his hasn't. They come out mostly when he is watching tv, bored or tired. If he is playing or swimming, nothing. He can sit and play a game and never do it, but then later do it 5 times in a row. His tic involves his face, clenching hands and arms and if standing, jumping. It happens all together. It's like a yawn gone bad. Has anyone had motor tics for a long time, then developed vocal and diagnosed with TS?
And does this sound like a tic anyone else has had. And should I do or say anything when it is happening?
I also think my son's behavior is being affected, but it's hard to tell if he's just being a brat or if it's something else. And I don't think it makes it better that I treat him like he has a fatal disease, being easier on him, which I'll only admit here.
It's nice to have this place to talk and ask questions. I think it's helping me get over, "it's not fair" and "why did this happen to my family". Which I know I have to do in order to help my son and keep my family stable. I sometimes feel comsumed with my son and I know I am neglecting my daughter. It's a balance that we need to find it.
Again, thank you.