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Everything posted by David

  1. Kelly Email me @ stripersurf@optonline.net I may be able to help you. I live in NJ and travel to NY to see an allergist who has experience with tourettes. We can discuss more off line. He is helping one my boys and we liekk him a lot. If thereis anyone else out there in the NJ/NYC area, please let me know and maybe we can help each other. Regards David
  2. My wife and I have been treating our kids tourettes with a very strict diet - i.e., gluten free, dairy free, no high fructose or corn syrup, no artificial colrs/flavors, and all organic foods (we are lucky to have a Whole Foods nearby). We also have started them and myself, on calcium/magnesium, flax oil, multi-vitamins, a B-6. Soon to try taurine, I am the guinea pig for the vitamins and aminos. Fingers are crossed for results. My question is this, has anyone experienced any negative reactions when allowing themselves or their children, to have certain "wrong" foods now and then - i.e., oranges, a bagel, pizza, etc. My wife believes tha once on a diet, we cannot stray away. I feel that an orange, or some dairy or some wheat toast on the rare occasion will not set us back considering all of the good things we are doing. I guess it is fear of the unknown and what "might" happen should we indulge ever so rarely. Any thoughts? Keep up the good work here. It is a bastion of hope. D
  3. Hello All, I am a successful 35 yr old with mild TS and I have 2 boys who, you guessed it, both have symptoms. My oldest (11 yrs) is a great student and baseball player with hasfriends and is such a trooper. A very special child. My youngest (6 yrs) is just showing signs. He has a tic cough. Having TS, I have been able to cope as best I can and can accept my kids condition in stride to a certain degree. I believe their tics will be somewhat mild and I am hoping for the best. However, my wife is not doing so well in regards to my 6 yr old and I must admit, I have been having some trouble as well dealing and trying to support my wife. The main worry is the progression of the cough. Will it turn to something worse or more vocal? I myself have had some very slight and barely noticeable vocal tics and I have been abe to deal pretty well with them. My son has had days when he has barely coughed and then there are days when he coughs every 10 seconds it seems. We are just now starting the boys on vitamins (magnesium, multi, . We could use some recommendations in regards to which vitmain regimes seem to have worked for all. This is also the first time that I have reached out to help myself so this is all new to me as well as my family. This site seems to be the place to go. I hope. Regards David
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